
Friday 15 April 2011

Follow Friday (#6)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View, and it's such an awesome idea! 

And the Feature blog this week is:
And the question this week is...
"Do You Have Anyone That You Can Discuss Books With IRL?  Tell Us About Him/Her."
Well, I talk to everyone really, whether they want to hear about it or not.  I have friends to talk to, but it's my family I talk to most.  See, my whole family is very booky, so meetings often end up in a conversation that starts with, "Have you read..."  I have two cousins who are paranormal-fantasy readers, so I lend a lot of books to, and we talk about them after.    My aunt, mother and me read a lot of similar books as well: more 'thought-provoking' ones, so we often talk when we all get together.  None of them are really as into YA books as me, though one of my cousins is coming around, all thanks to moi!
Come to think of it, I don't think I meet with anyone without talking about books...  I should probably do something about that...
So, that's my answer: I just love the 'IRL' (in real life). (:
Well, thanks for stopping by!  If you've found my through FF, leave a link so I can follow you back!  If not, who do you talk to about books 'in real life'?
Thanks, and have a great weekend all!


  1. "Well, I talk to everyone really, whether they want to hear about it or not."

    Ha! Maybe I should start doing that as well! Your family sounds awesome! I would love to chat like that!

  2. Wow, it’s really cool that you can talk to your family about books…very lucky! *new follower*

  3. ps- I forgot to leave my link (still working on my first cup of coffee)

  4. Christy: I've found out that if you do just talk - whether they want to hear or not - people tend to respond. Try: what's your favourite book. I've bugged loooaads of people with that one! Probably everyone I meet. Maybe I should try to do that less... They are: they're the best!
    Heather: Yup, I'm lucky about that. I've always had someone to talk to about books: my mum read to me from when I was a baby, so books have always been there! Ah, I'm the same in the mornings, too! Thanks for the follow!

    Thanks for the comments!

  5. Fun blog! I love that you talk to everyone about books. :) I try not to, but it seems like they always come up. Luckily my husband is always looking for something good to read so he'll listen to all my book ramblings.
    Happy Friday!
    kathy from Read This Instead

  6. I'm lucky that I have awesome family and friends to chat with about my fav books! Plus, I can totally relate- I chat about books with everyone, whether they want to or not!

    I'm a new follower! :)

  7. Stopped by on the FF, liked what I read and am now following you. Always like finding a fellow Brit blogging also which is a plus. Admittedly, I do live in the US nowadays but I'm a Scouser born and raised...but don't let that put you off visiting my blog! :)

  8. I am so jealous of your bookish family. My family does not talk about books at all. It's mainly just me and my mother.

    I'm your newest follower.

    Grace @ Books Like Breathing

  9. New follower stopping through on the stop! I wish I had more people to talk books with IRL...sadly, most are online. Anyway, happy FF!
    Jennifer @ The Bawdy Book Blog

  10. Hopping through. I like talking books with my family, but no one shares my love for YA.
    My Hop
    Get a free download of Wings by Aprilynne Pike at my blog!

  11. Kathy: Thanks! I love it too... I'm just not sure if everyone else is so keen! Lucky: it's nice to have someone to talk to IRL. ;)
    Read.Breathe.Relax: Having a bookish family is just the best, isn't it? Ah, yes, 'whether they want to or not'. That's me too! Have a great weekend!
    BookMarc: I'd never let something like that get in the way of visiting a fellow book-addict's blog! Happy FF!
    Grace: My family are the best! I'm very lucky to have them! At least you have your mother to talk to, though. Thank you! (: I can't seem to get onto your blog... I think something's up with my laptop. I'm sorry!
    Jennifer: Lots of good bookish people online! Thank you! But I can't get onto your website either... I'm really sorry! I'll keep trying.
    Alison: My family isn't keen on it, but I am bringing my cousin round... slowly... ;)

    Thanks for all your comments and have a great weekend!

  12. That's so nice you have a book-loving family to talk to! I have my mom which is fun, she likes to know what I'm reading. I try to talk to the husband, but I get a look that says "I love you, but I really don't care about the young adult book you're reading";) Hope you have a great weekend!

  13. Ha, ha, my family is the same! BTW, I also gave you an award, so check it out if you have the chance! ^^ U deserve it!!

  14. Jenny: It's the best! Ah, yes, know the look. I get it every time I bring up Vampire, werewolf, witch and paranormal books. Oh, and when I mention Shakespeare. Poor you! Thanks!
    Sonny: Thanks! I'll go have a look!
    Aubrie: Thanks! I'll go have a look!

    Thanks for the comments!
