
Friday 27 May 2011

Follow Friday (#12)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View, and it's such an awesome idea! 

Our Feature Blog this week is:
Louise @ Book Bliss
And our question is...
"How Many Books Do You Read In A Week?  And In What Form Do You Read Them, Or Listen To Them?"
Well, ever since I got my Kindle, I've been reading a book on there, and one or two hard copies.  Since I started getting requests, I now read one or two of them on my Kindle, and still two or three hardcopies.  I'd like to read a classic at all times, but it's gotten a little harder since I began to juggle. 
How many I read really depends on how busy I am.  Some weeks I finish two or three.  Some only one.  Varies.
Well, asked and answered.  :)
If you've found me through FF, drop a link so I can follow back!  If not, well, you could answer the question too. (:
Have a great weekend all!


  1. I'm glad I found your blog today. I see some spooky books in some of your posts below that look awesome. I'm off to follow you and check those out! Have a great weekend!

    Jennifer | Book Den

  2. See! That's what happens when I pop out of my Google reader. I get lost. :) I should say I'm happy I'm *still* a follower.

  3. Great answer and blog!!YAY!! Another ebook reading friend!! Have you participated in RAK?? Send me your wishlist please?? Old follower.Here's my FF-

  4. thanks for the good luck wishes Treasure. can't wait for my exams to be over next week!! I love my kindle more than almost anything-it's my mechanical baby.

  5. Hey

    Aww i really want a kindle. I'm jealous that you can multi read, i'm a one at a time kind of girl.

    Hopping by from FF.


    (new follower)
