
Friday 3 June 2011

Follow Friday (#13)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View, and it's such an awesome idea! 

Our Feature Blog this week is:
And our question is:
"What Are You Doing To Prepare For An Upcoming Zombie Apocalypse And/Or The Return Of Mel Gibson To The Silver Screen?  (Both Of Which Could Be Terrifying.)"
Oh, well, to prepare myself for the apocalypse I've been watching lots of The Walking Dead and Supernatural.  I've been practicing my shooting (on computor games) and if a zombie decides to lock me in a boot, I know I can get out.  I have a dog who will growl if anything undead gets too near and lots of sneaky hiding places to shoot at zombies from and just, well, hide.  And, of course, I'm a vampire and I have a werewolf friend, so together I think we can destroy all the zombies.  They're not that hard to kill, right?
Well, that's my FF!  Can I just say, I love this question! 
If you've found me through FF, drop me a link.  If you're not taking part, how are you preparing for the upcoming apocalypse and the possibility of Mel Gibson returning to the big screen?
Have a great weekend all!


  1. Hey, just became a follower through Follow Friday, would love you to come and visit my blog, it's just getting started and i want to meet some fellow book addicts!
    Hopefully hear from you soon

  2. Hey, I'm a new follower - from last weeks follow Friday!!!

