
Saturday 23 July 2011

Follow Friday (#18)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View, and it's such an awesome idea!  
Our Feature this week is...
The Bloggers @ We Fancy Books
We Fancy Books
And our question:
"Name 3 Authors That You Would Love To Sit Down And Spend An Hour Or A Meal With Just Talking About Either Their Books Or Get Advice On Writing From?"
Oooh, that's a hard one.  I think saying: every author I've ever read and whose book I adored is cheating, right?  Ok, seriously...
Party One:
  • J.K. Rowling: Now, how could I not meet J.K.?  She is the most amazing author, the one who truly got me addicted to magic.  She's made me laugh, cry, scream and sit on the edge of my seat.  Thought, if I met her for an hour, I might just sit there, staring.  Or ask her for more infomation on what happened after the big battle, about the Weasleys...  And ask her how she came up with such an incredible, amazing, fantastic book.
  • Richelle Mead: Rose Hathaway is my favourite heroine, and Dimitri Belikov is just, well, wow.  I love her Vampire Academy series to pieces.  So if I met her, I'd ask how she came up with such amazing characters.  And how much Rose would be in Bloodlines.  And tell her she's awesome.
  • Sophie McKenzie: I love her books!  She's one of my favourite action author, plus she's great at romance too!  I'd love to know what she's planning next, what's going to happen in Sister, Missing.  And how she has writing that is beautiful, but never slows down the pace.
Party Two:
  • Cassandra Clare: Again, I love her!  The Mortal Instruments is one of my favourite series.  I want to know everything about the books she's planning, and how she manages to make the most suspenseful moment suddenly hilarious with one of her characters' snarky comments.  I love her!
  • Suzanne Collins: Ok, I LOVE the Hunger Games trilogy.  I am in awe of Suzanne Collins' mind.  She's genius.  I'd want to know where she got her inspiration from.  And what she's planning next.
  • Julie Kagawa: I am currently in love with the Iron Fey series.  Once against: genuis.  I want to know where she got the idea from.  'Cause, let's face it, how many of us have come up with Faeries like hers?  They're unique.  I love her books.  :)
Yeah, ok, I know that's cheating.  But I could have gone onto THREE parties easily.  Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Terry Pratchett, Beth Revis, Alyxandra Harvey, Anthony Horowitz, Charles Dickens, Bram Stoker, Joss Stirling....  I'm stopping now.

Oops.  How is it I always manage to go way over the limit?  If you think about it, it's pretty impressive really.  :D

Well, if you've found me through FF, drop a link.  If not: what three authors would you most like to meet?

Oh, before I go, when I reach 200 followers, I'm going to hold a giveaway!  So pop by to have a chance of winning!  :D

Have a great weekend!


  1. I'd love to meet J.K. Rowling as well! My three would be: J.K. Rowling. Darren Shan. And slight cheat here Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi. They both wrote the one series, OK? :~)

  2. I thought about J.K. Rowling too, but then who didn't? I discarded her in the end though, she always comes across as a little arrogant and self-righteous to me and I think I'd get irritated.

    Suzanne Collins I fully agree with you though. I'd love to know how she can come up with plots that are that twisted but yet almost family-friendly, and what she thinks of the upcoming films.

    Great answer, I love that you explain your choices instead of just listing them.

  3. New. Follower! You're having parties?? And two of them to boot! Way to cram in more than three. :)
    Dawn @ Read Love

  4. Cliona: Oh, meeting Darren Shan would be awesome! Can you imagine it? :D And, did you see how much I cheated? Your cheat is a baby, but mine's a giant! ;)
    Hanna: Hmm, maybe... but it would be nice to pick her brains a little! I'd like to know what her secret is! And as for Suzanne: I SO WANT TO MEET HER!! Thank yooo. :D
    Dawn: Why, of course! I had to find a good reason to sneak in more authors, and then it hit me: parties! No one can say no to parties! Thanks for the follow! :D

  5. Good picks! My list could go on forever too. My three would be J.K Rowling (who wouldn't?), Sophie McKenzie, and ooh... ah... Jacqueline Wilson. Even though they are not all my favourite authors I would love to ask them how their writing flows onto the page so easily :]


  6. Jane Austen!!!! omg I would LOOOOOVE to have met her!
    she's incredible!
    and Shakespeare! the tips we could have give to any writer would have been priceless!

    New follower! hope you're having an excellent weekend!(:

  7. Thanks for stopping by Ashley Suzanne, I am now returning the follow :]

  8. I love Julie Kagawa!! Great Picks! Thanks for following me, now following you back!

  9. I have heard so many great things about Julie Kagawa and her Iron Fey series, that I cannot wait to read the books. I've got the first three sitting on my shelf. :)

    I love your blog, btw. It's awesome and I'm definitely following. *g*

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung
    Tweet Me!
