
Friday 15 July 2011

Follow Friday (#17)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View, and it's such an awesome idea!  
Our Feature this week is...
And our question...
"What Do I Do When I Are Not Reading?"
You mean there's times whe you aren't meant to read?  Hehe, ok, seriously.  Work-related-stuff is dull, so I like to concentrate on the stuff I'm slightly more obsessed with.  Which is...
Umm, well, I blog.  I write reviews.  I search the wide web from cheap books that I can say are a good "deal" when people give me disapproving looks.  I talk to my blogger friends about books.  I blog a lot. 
I also have an addiction to crime dramas (like CSI, NCIS, Castle, Criminal Minds, Lie To Me and The Mentalist) as well as paranormal shows like Supernatural, Vampire Diaries and Charmed. 
Of course, I like to be with family, friends and such.  I have a big, mad, brilliant family.  It's a must to be slightly insane to survive in it.  I work hard at surviving... which basically means I am completely loopy.  ;)
I love to be outside, especially if there are cola ice lollies.  Oh, and I go to bookshops, libraries and more or less anywhere that contains and sells books.  I have a slight addiction.  :D
Oops, longer than I planned!  Hope you weren't all bored to death!
If you've found me through FF, drop me a link!  It not: what do you do when you aren't reading?  If, of course, there is any time you spend without a book in your hands!  :D
Have a great weekend all!


  1. I watch DVDs and such, but I LOVE horse riding and taking care of horses :D Generally if I am around a horse then I am extremely HAPPY!!! :D

  2. Hi, I'm a new follower from the blog hop :)

    I LOVE watching crime dramas. Some of the best TV out there for sure! I just started getting into Criminal Minds, and I was hoping the Glades would be good but I'm disappointed by it!

  3. Hi, old follower stopping by! Great answers, and I love crime dramas also! They're so addicting. Happy Friday and check out my Follow Friday post on my blog!


  4. Hi! I'm new to #FF, but have a happy friday and have a great weekend! New follower
    Check out my #FF

  5. LOL I love to spend my free time browsing at book stores and the library too. :)

    New follower. Please come visit me at

  6. I'm addicted to crime dramas too--I love all the ones you mentioned. I think I get more reading done during the summer because all my tv shows are in re-runs. New follower :)

  7. Hopping through. A cola ice lollie sounds interesting. Where do you get those? Homemade?
    My Hop

  8. Racheyy: I used to ride all the time when I was younger: I was completely addicted. Unfortunately I can't any more. Still miss the saddle though!
    Brenna: Hi! Thanks for the follow! I've not hear of the Glades... :D
    Kristen: Hi! Thank you. Glad I'm not the only one with an addiction! :D
    Nikki: Thank you!
    The Fiction Fairy: Thanks! (:
    Shanan: Aren't they just the most relaxing places? Thanks!
    Karen: Same. I only have Castle now. Thanks! :D
    Alison: Hi. :D It's yummy. And, no, you can buy them. In shops, ice cream vans, etc. :)

    Thanks for the follows and comments!

  9. New follower and hopping through.

    Hope you can stop by my own place.

  10. Hey Just found you and first thing I discovered is the 'Follow my Blog' post! so awesome. I am now a new follower of your lovely blog.
    Feel free to stop by for some virtual cake with me at

  11. I love crime dramas too! Hi. Just stopping by. Following you from Follow My Book Blog Friday Blog Hop. Would love a visit and a follow back on my blog: Thanks! Nice to meet you!
