
Sunday 18 September 2011

In My Mailbox (#30)

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a perfect way to see who's reading and review what.  Awesome!
I think I may just have had one of my best weeks ever!  On Friday, I woke up to not one, but two packages!!  One was from Bloomsbury, and the other was from a giveaway I won, with a signed copy of Forever by Maggie Stiefvater.  It's probably obvious, but this was followed by much dancing round the house.  As well as that, I got an incredible-looking review book that the author has really kindly agreed to have a giveaway for later on.  And a vampire review book: I'm in the blog tour, and again we are having a giveaway!  Phew.  As I said.  Best.  Week.  Ever!

For Review:

RevolutionFractureHurricane (Hurricane #1)
Savor (Warm Delicacy, #1)
Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly (Goodreads | Amazon)
I've been wanting this one for ages - so I was very, very, very excited to get a copy!  The paperback version comes out in October.  Isn't the cover gorgeous?
Fracture by Megan Miranda (Goodreads | Amazon)
A Lot Can Happen In Eleven Minutes
This is an ARC - super exciting!  It comes out in January, and let me just tell you: it looks ace!  Thank you to Bloomsbury!  :D
Hurricane (Hurricane, Book One) by Jenna-Lynne Duncan (Goodreads | Amazon)
Hurricane looks amazing.  It's set in Hurricane Katrina, with a paranormal twist!  Eeek! :D  And we're planning on having an interview and giveaway along with it - eBooks, signed bookmarks...  Keep an eye out!  Plus, a portion of the profit from each book goes to Habitat for Humanity - New Orleans.  Thank you Jenna! (Jenna's Website)
Savour (Warm Delicacy, Book One) by Megan Duncan (Goodreads)
I'll be taking part in this tour - my date's the 4th of October.  It's a vampire book, and it looks amazing!  I'm really looking forward to reading the book!  Thanks Megan!  (Megan's Website)


Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #3)
Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, Book Three) by Maggie Stiefvater (Goodreads | Amazon)
This is the first thing I've won!  I got a Blood Magic postcard, a Forever Maggie keyring and a signed copy of Forever by Maggie Stiefvater!  *happy dance* Thank you Pamela, from At Home Between the Pages!!


Brigands M. C. (CHERUB)

Brigands M.C. (Cherub, Book Eleven) by Robert Muchamore (Goodreads | Amazon)
I love this series: loads of action, teen spies and great writing - what's not to like?  I think this is the one before the last in the series...  So I'm excited about reading it! :D

Well, as I said at the beginning: I had a super duper week!  I'm rather pleased with it!! :D

What was in your mailbox this week?


  1. You got Fracture!! I am so so looking forward to reading it, it sounds so good! Hope it's amazing :D

  2. Great week! Fracture looks AMAZING! Can't wait to hear you thoughts. Hope you enjoy them:D

  3. Fracture has a beautiful cover, going to check it out on GoodReads. Congrats on winning Forever, I got it for my birthday. Hope you enjoy your books.

  4. they all look great, Savors cover is so interesting!

  5. Laura: It looks like it's going to be! Thank you!
    Sammee: Thank you! I can't wait to read it. :)
    Rochelle: It is beautiful, isn't it? Thank you! :D

  6. LunaMoth: Thanks! And I just love Savour's cover!

  7. I love Cherub! Hurricane looks amazing! And so does Revolution! And a SIGNED COPY of Forever. Wow!

  8. This is the first time I've seen the new cover of Revolution. It is pretty, but I'm not sure what I think of it. I haven't read the book yet, but I do feel like the first cover fit the book better.

  9. It was great to see you yesterday! Hope you had a fab time :D

  10. I have just added Hurricane to my list! Lovely to meet you yesterday.

  11. I'm soooo envious!!! I love The Wolves of Mercy Falls. I can't believe you have a signed copy!!! It was lovely to meet you at OUP and I look forward to your post and hopefully bumping into you on other events. LOL. P.xx

  12. Cliona: Cherub is the best! Revolution is great - I started it - and I can't wait to read Hurricane. I was pretty 'wow' about the signed part too! ;)
    Shoshanah: I don't know, which was the first cover? :S
    Molli: I know! :D
    Sammee: It was great to see you too! I had a fab, fab, fab time! :D
    Vivienne: It looks great, doesn't it? Lovely to meet you too!
    Paula: I was pretty suprised too - I never win anything! It was great to meet you too, and hopefully we'll meet up again soon. :D
