
Thursday 6 October 2011

Defiance Blog Tour: Character Interview

Before I hand over to Gena, I'd like to say how lovely it is to have her here today!  I'm hoping to start Defiance real soon, and my review should be up some time in November.  Now, here's G.C. Naffin, talking a little about her first book as well as an interview of the characters...
Defiance is my first success in the self-publishing world, though it came from a background of failures.  It evolved from a struggling story to the lengthy manuscript that's been self-published and has found fans all over the world.

There is love in Defiance, and although it does not take center stage, it does play a significant role in the decisions made by the three main characters. There is Vivian, princess to the kingdom of Iledora , her loyal and steadfast guard Revin, and Declan, a haunted mercenary of questionable motives. They are as different as three people could be stuck together while traveling the country and it’s their unique traits that bring out the best – and worst – of one another.

I was able to get Vivian, Revin, and Declan talking about their recent exploits, past, and future together.

What was it like traveling together?

Revin: It was interesting.

Declan: It was more than interesting, my friend.

Vivian (smiles): It was just like this.

Vivian, you had never met Declan before visiting the town of Hyrut . Did that make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe in any way to have him as your guard?

Vivian: Declan was Revin’s suggestion. I trust Revin implacably, and so when he said he knew of someone who could take Nathanial’s place in our troop, I didn’t question his selection.

As a group so diverse, was it difficult to work together in the beginning?

Vivian: It certainly was. Declan and I didn’t get along very well to start off, and had it not been for Revin, we probably would have turned around very quickly.

Declan: Could have been worse.

Revin: I don’t think so.

Declan: We were that bad?

Revin (looks at me): Needless to say, there were many arguments.

Revin, you seem like the mediator.

Revin: Sometimes, yes. We all tried to keep the peace.

You traveled for several months. Was there any point when you felt desperate – like you should turn around?

Vivian: There were several moments when I felt the need to be home to fix some political things myself. However, I discovered I needed to trust in the people who took over things than worrying about what might happen if they weren’t straightened out. It was good to suffer through the moments of indecision – as much as it was crippling.

Declan (taps his chest): When she gets all panicked, it’s like having a heart attack – traveling with her is a nightmare.

Is being a royal guard in your line of work, Declan?

Vivian (interrupting): Line of work?

Declan: Trade, business.

Vivian (confused): You have one?

(Declan sneers)

Did you find it difficult?

Declan: Keeping her alive? Yeah. She’s royalty, but Vivian has a knack for seeking tight spots.

Revin: I can attest to that.

Describe how you felt after reaching the Bulvan emperor after months of traveling under your belt.

Declan: Relieved.

Vivian: Empowered.

Revin (shrugs): Exhausted.

Was there anything you would change?

Vivian: I would have traveled with much more haste. It would have made all the difference.

Look for Righteous, the second book of the Successor Series, out next year!

Find Gena:
Previous Stop on Defiance Blog Tour: Earth's Book Nook
Next Stop on Defiance Blog Tour: Book Addict
For a full rundown of the Defiance Blog Tour


  1. This sounds like such a great book! I love the character interview, it's really good!

  2. I know! I can't wait to start reading it, and the character interview was the best! Thanks again G.C! :D

  3. I have this book and I am loving it too! This interview is great, thanks for posting :)
