
Saturday 13 October 2012

Poltergeeks by Sean Cummings

Series: Poltergeeks, Book One
Publisher: Strange Chemistry
Format: ARC
Published: 4th October 2012
Number of Pages: 350
Book: For Review*
Genre: Paranormal, Magic, Urban Fantasy, Action-Adventure, Fantasy, YA
Recommended Age: 12+
Contains: Swearing, Violence, Alcohol References
No Drug References
Author's Blog: Sean Cummings

Being the daughter of a witch isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
When 15 year-old Julie Richardson and her best friend, Marcus, witness an elderly lady jettisoned out the front door of her home, it’s pretty obvious to Julie there’s a supernatural connection.
After a large-scale paranormal assault on Julie’s high school, her mother falls victim to an arcane spell.  Now it’s a race against time to find out who is responsible – or Julie won’t just lose her mother’s soul, she’ll lose her mother’s life.

“I'm a girl.  I'm a witch.  Someone is going to pay...”
Life's never been normal for Julie - after all she is the daughter of a witch - but even she isn't used to old ladies being shot out of their houses by an invisible and powerful force, right before her eyes. 
Obviously, there's something of the supernatural nature going on here.  
But what Julie was expecting was a (not so) harmless poltergeist.  Not some big, dark force that tries to kill her best friend (multiple times), attacks her school and sends her mom into some kind of a magic-induced coma. 
With guilt overwhelming her and desperation to save her mother driving her on, Julie knows she must find out who's behind the magical attacks. 
Because time is running out. 
And Julie will not lose her mom...
When a book is called "Ghostbusters meets Sabrina The Teenage Witch with a dash of X-Files" by an author I know and love (Sara Grant, Dark Parties), I simply have to get my supernatural-loving-hands on it.  And Poltergeeks so did not let me down!   With an awesome set of characters, witty writing, suspense and funny stuff, Poltergeeks had me hooked from the very first word to the very last.  It was just so much fun and the perfect supernatural read!  I can't wait for Book Two!
I loved Julie - she was brilliant, sassy, snarky and stubborn.  I loved her sense of humour - she killed me! - but even more, I loved that even though she's a kick- ass witch, she's also really down to earth and relatable too.  And Marcus was just the best friend ever!  He was so nerdy and cute and sweet, so loyal and just adorable!  He really was the bestest bud a girl could ever have!  And the friendship between them was so sweet and strong and real.  I loved watching them together - Marcus was such a sweetheart and so supportive - and watching how close they were - and how they get closer: it was the sweetest!
I adored the main characters, but there was an awesome supporting cast too.  Such as the cryptic Betty (with the dreadful fashion sense) and the creepy Holly Penske (also cryptic).  But who I really loved was one grave-yard-bound ghost.  And, of course, Julie's mom - she was awesome and just the best mom ever.  Even if she wasn't in the book all that much.  And I loved the relationship between Julie and her Mom - so often in teen books, the parents are just the annoying force to rebel against, and such.  Julie did a bit of rebelling, but her and her mom were really close and always took care of one another. 
I’ve got to admit, parts of the book reminded me a little of The Mortal Instruments - the geeky best mate who's secretly crushing on the lead gal, the mother in a supernatural coma, the red hair.  And as soon as said lead gal found out X, she seemed to know a heck of a lot.  Instantly.  But really, I just didn't care.  Because I loved Cummings's sense of humour - his witty writing just had me cracking up!  It was so teen and so snarky!  And I totally fell in love with Julia's voice.  I'm so impressed that a guy can write such a unique and authentic teen girl - I loved it!  As for the plot?  Awesome!  Full of action, mystery and humour, it had me gripped from start to finish.  I loved unravelling all the various secrets and watching Julie track down the bad guy, kicking butt with witchy powers as she did.  I did guess the final twist, but I really was enjoying it all too much to care!  The plot was just so awesome and action-movie-like.  Speaking of, it needs to be made into a movie - it would kick butt!
Plus, I loved all the supernatural stuff in this book.  All the ghosts and witches and potions and spells.  And I loved all the politics of the witchy world - these were so cool to read about!
A book as kickass as Buffy and as magical as Charmed, Poltergeeks totally blew me away.  A book that had me laughing one minute and practically gnawing on my nails at the suspense the very next second, I am officially classing it as a Must Read for all paranormal fans!  It was so awesomely epic and as I mentioned earlier would just make the most amazing movie ever!  I simply can't wait for the next in the series - it's going to be so awesome!
Ok, off topic now, I do love covers - the prettier the better - but I really don't get where some of them come from.  Like the gorgeous Victorian dresses on the covers of books set in the 21st century.  But Poltergeeks?  Not only is the cover gorgeous, dramatic and so unique, it's also showing an actual scene from the book!  No dramatic, ancient, Gothic dress or weird pose, just an awesome cover that so fits the book.  

Star Rating:
4½ Out of 5

Read this book if you liked:
Charmed (The TV Series & The Books)
The Secret Circle by L.J. Smith
Wicca/Sweep Series by Cate Tiernan
Blood Journals by Tessa Gratton
 The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

Challenges It's Taking Part In:
Happy Reading
* This book was received from Angry Robot in exchange for an honest review

1 comment:

  1. Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books. Sure, I understand. You are young you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a Vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, But how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the Vampires Lord on his Email:
