
Monday 17 December 2012

Prodigy by Marie Lu - Trailer, Extract and Giveaway!!!!

I don't know if you guys have read Legend, but I LOVED it!  It was amazing.  And now I can't wait for Prodigy!!  To make me even more excited, the lovely people at Penguin sent over these teaser trailers for both the book and the online game it has inspired, as well as a sneak peek at the first chapter.
And for all you guys who live in the UK, guess what?!!?  The lovely Penguins have offered two giveaway copies!!  Enter now - this book doesn't come out until the end of January, so get your hands on a copy right this second!!!  
And make sure you check out the two trailers and teaser!  And ENTER if you live in the UK!!  This series is awesome and I think you'll love it!  Plus, what better Christmas/New Year prezzie? :D

Prodigy by Marie Lu Extract


  1. Oh, I'm really excited for Prodigy toooo!!! And that game actually does look really cool, have you tried it yet? This is somewhat unrelated but there's also this really cool game on Facebook called 'The Hunger Games Adventures' which is SO.MUCH.FUN.!!! (lol, this just goes to show how much of a book nerd I am, I guess!)

    Catherine ;) xxx

  2. Looking forward to this one. Many thanks for hosting the comp.

  3. I loved Legend but had no idea there'd be an online game from the novels - how awesome! It looks great and I cannot wait for Prodigy either :D x

  4. Catherine: Doesn't it look AWESOME! I haven't yet - I'm SO excited to, though!! :D Ooh, Hunger Games game?! Must check it out!! I LOVE HG!! And don't worry - I'm a total nerd too - and not even just in books! ;)
    Karen: Thanks - good luck! :D

  5. Zarina: Doesn't it look AWESOME?! I can't wait to give it a go! Good luck! :D

  6. So awesome! The game looks amazing, and the sequal alreayd sounds amazing as well! Thanks for this giveaway!

  7. Ellie: Doesn't it! You're welcome - good luck!
    CS: Thanks! :)

  8. The game looks amazing! So excited for Prodigy :)
    Lacey T

  9. How awesome it looks!! EXCITED!!
