In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a perfect way to see who's reading and review what. Awesome!

Ok, so I've not done an IMM since like forever. So, this is like a month or something of books.
I was lucky enough to go to HotKey and Templar's Blogger Brunch, where I met some great authors, publishers and bloggers. And, of course, got some cool books.
And, given this is a month, I've gotta say: I didn't buy too many books. Y'know, for me. :D
Anyways, this is what I've got...
From HotKey&Templar Blogger's Brunch:
Stray by Monica Hesse (Goodreads | Amazon)
What Happens When You Live A Life That Isn't Yours?
This one looks awesome - very much for fans of Insignia and what not. Squee!
What Happens When You Live A Life That Isn't Yours?
This one looks awesome - very much for fans of Insignia and what not. Squee!
There's More To Life Than Death
This looks totally awesome too - totally new and awesome take on the Grim Reaper!
The Ghost Bride by Yangsze Choo (Goodreads | Amazon)
OMG, this one looks amazing!! I love learning about ancient traditions and beliefs and I love it even more when there's a brilliant sounding plot line!!
The Beautiful and the Cursed (The Dispossessed/Grotesque, Book One) by Page Morgan (Goodreads | Amazon)
This looks awesome - forget angels and vampires, it seems gargoyles are the new big thing! :D
Friday Brown by Vikki Wakefield (Goodreads | Amazon)
I'm intrigued by this one - it looks really really good and Wakefield is a huge author in Austrailia so it's exciting to see what she's like. :D
Ferryman by Claire McFall (Goodreads | Amazon)
Life. Death. Love.
Which Would You Choose?
OMG, currently reading this one and it's incredible!! Like seriously awesome! And the cover is just so pretty - it's shiny!! :D
Life. Death. Love.
Which Would You Choose?
OMG, currently reading this one and it's incredible!! Like seriously awesome! And the cover is just so pretty - it's shiny!! :D
The Savages by Matt Whyman (Goodreads | Amazon)
They'd Love to Have You For Dinner...
Reading this one too - love Matt Whyman, brilliant book with a real Addams Family feel. Addams Family is one of my fave Halloween-time films. ;)
Last Chance Angel by Alex Gutteridge (Goodreads | Amazon)They'd Love to Have You For Dinner...
Reading this one too - love Matt Whyman, brilliant book with a real Addams Family feel. Addams Family is one of my fave Halloween-time films. ;)
I have a feeling this one will break my heart. And you know what? I can't wait. :D
Me, Suzy P by Karen Saunders (Goodreads | Amazon)
A funny one! Yay!! ;)
The Quietness by Alison Rustle (Goodreads | Amazon)
Love historicals so can't wait to read this one.
Red Ink by Julie Mayhew (Goodreads | Amazon)
Sometimes Lies Are Safer Than The Truth
Another heartbreaking-sounding one and again can't wait to read it. :D
Arcadia Burns (Arcadia, Book Two) by Kai Meyer (Goodreads | Amazon)
Squee!!! Love this series! :D
Sleep Less, Read More Bag
Hehe. With all these books, this bag could not be more fitting. ;)
For Review:
Loved this book!
Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles, Book Two) by Marissa Meyer (Goodreads | Amazon)
Squee!! Loving this one so can't wait to get really stuck it. Plus, I currently have two copies of both in the series, so be on the lookout for a giveaway...
Squee!! Loving this one so can't wait to get really stuck it. Plus, I currently have two copies of both in the series, so be on the lookout for a giveaway...
Easy by Tammara Webber (Goodreads | Amazon)
OMG, this looks so good and I've heard so many amazing things about it and I can't wait to read it!
OMG, this looks so good and I've heard so many amazing things about it and I can't wait to read it!
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Leviathon (Goodreads | Amazon)
Love John Green so super excited about this on!
Love John Green so super excited about this on!
Reason to Breathe (Breathing, Book One) by Rebecca Donovan (Goodreads | Amazon)
This looks amazing and really sad too so I'm looking forward to reading it.
This looks amazing and really sad too so I'm looking forward to reading it.
The Deadliest Enemies Come From Within...
Squee! The Pledge was awesome, so can't wait to read this one! Yay!
Prodigy (Legend, Book Two) by Marie Lu (Goodreads | Amazon)
SQUEEEEE!!!!! Yay!!! I'm loving this and I loved Legend so I'm one happy blogger!
SQUEEEEE!!!!! Yay!!! I'm loving this and I loved Legend so I'm one happy blogger!
Born Wicked (The Cahill Witch Chronicles, Book One) by Jessica Spotswood (Goodreads | Amazon)
Amazing book - don't forget to check out the post Jessica did for us as part of her blog tour: here!
Amazing book - don't forget to check out the post Jessica did for us as part of her blog tour: here!
I took so freaking long to read this - God, it was worth the wait though!! Amazing, amazing, amazing. Review up soon.
Standing By Your Family May Be A Badge Of Honour, But Sometimes Loyalty Can Be Bloody...
Oooh, this one looks awesome. I'm majorly excited about reading this! :D
Oooh, this one looks awesome. I'm majorly excited about reading this! :D
There Must Be Horses by Diana Kimpton (Goodreads | Amazon)
This looks amazing - I loved Kimpton's other books when I was a kid so I'm majorly excited about reading this!! I LOVE horses and really don't read enough horsey books. Heck, there aren't enough teen/adult horsey books out there!
This looks amazing - I loved Kimpton's other books when I was a kid so I'm majorly excited about reading this!! I LOVE horses and really don't read enough horsey books. Heck, there aren't enough teen/adult horsey books out there!
Their World Ended. Their War Didn't.
Squee!! Loved Book One, so really excited about this! :D
Mila 2.0 (Mila 2.0, Book One) by Debra Driza (Goodreads | Amazon)
No One Suspects What She's Made Of
This looks awesome - super excited!!
Battle Lines (Department 19, Book Three) by Will Hill (Goodreads | Amazon)
They Don't Exist. But They Save Your Life Every Day.
LOVED this!!!!!!!!!!! It was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Best yet in the series! Review will be up nearer release date.
Her Life Begins When Another Ends
Loving this one - very much recommended!
Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles, Book Two) by Marissa Meyer (Goodreads | Amazon)
Yay! So excited to read this!!!!! Cannot WAIT to read this - yayyayyay!
Sever (Chemical Gardens, Book Three) by Lauren DeStefano (Goodreads | Amazon)
Love this series - super excited to read it! :)
Love this series - super excited to read it! :)
Very excited about this one! Love epic fantasies so I'm super excited!
Harry Styles by Alice Montgomery (Amazon)
The Unauthorised Biography
Ok, I'm going to say two things from the word go. One: I'm not a big fan of biographies, unless they're historical ones about Martin Luther King or Queen Elizabeth I. Two: I'm also not a die-hard One Direction fan. So this book isn't something I'd buy myself. But, who knows? I skimmed a bit to see what it was like and the writing was very good - very engaging, so Harry Styles fans will love this.
Pretty Girl Thirteen by Liz Coley (Goodreads | Amazon)
We Tried So Hard To Keep You Safe...
OMG, this looks INCREDIBLE! Cannot WAIT to read it!! :D
We Tried So Hard To Keep You Safe...
OMG, this looks INCREDIBLE! Cannot WAIT to read it!! :D
Fight For The Future (MetaWars, Book One) by Jeff Norton (Goodreads | Amazon)
Whose Side Are You On?
Whose Side Are You On?
The Dead Are Rising (MetaWars, Book Two) by Jeff Norton (Goodreads | Amazon)
Whose Side Are Your On?
These books look awesome - very Department 19 meets Time Riders meets Hunger Games. Yay! :D
Whose Side Are Your On?
These books look awesome - very Department 19 meets Time Riders meets Hunger Games. Yay! :D
I got sent this awesome card on Valentine's day from the awesome people at Fierce Fiction (the peeps at Orion). By the by, check out their new Tumblr page! Thank you to them! :D
I'm gonna be taking part in the Geek Girl blog tour - squee! - so the awesome HarperCollins people sent me this. The geek glasses don't suit me. Which is ironic, really, cause I'm the biggest geek going!! ;)
Oh. My. Freaking. God. This is now one of my very favourite books EVER. I LOVE Daemon to death and read the entire book in one sitting. Don't believe me? Check out my super rambly, fangirl review: here!
Onyx (Lux, Book Two) by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Goodreads | Amazon)
Everything Is About To Change...
OMG, this one was amazing too! Another quit-your-job, don't-eat, stay-up-til-three sorta book!!
Everything Is About To Change...
OMG, this one was amazing too! Another quit-your-job, don't-eat, stay-up-til-three sorta book!!
Opal (Lux, Book Three) by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Goodreads | Amazon)
They'll Risk Everything...
They'll Risk Everything...
Very excited about reading this - love J.K., obviously, so very excited to read her adult book.
Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols (Goodreads | Amazon)
When Love Crosses The Line...
Where Do You Stop?
This looks amazing and is much recommended by my blogging friend, Sammee @ I Want To Read That.
Wake (Watersong, Book One) by Amanda Hocking (Goodreads | Amazon)
Takes You Deep Into A New World
Love Amanda Hocking, couldn't resist. :)
Existence (Existence, Book One) by Abbi Glines (Goodreads | Amazon)
Main reason I bought this was 'cause it was recommended for people who love Lux. Seeing as I'm already in Lux withdrawal, I felt I needed something to act as a nicotine patch. ;)
OMG, this book is AMAZING!!!! I NEED Unravel Me - NOW NOW NOW!!!! SO GOOD!!! Review up soon.
Two Different Worlds. One True Love.
Again, one recommended by Sammee - love what I've read. :)
Catching Jordan (Hundred Oaks, Book One) by Miranda Kenneally (Goodreads | Amazon)
There's No Playbook For Love
I felt I needed another contemp, given my recent action-para kick. This one looked awesome. :D
There's No Playbook For Love
I felt I needed another contemp, given my recent action-para kick. This one looked awesome. :D
Sweet Evil (Sweet, Book One) by Wendy Higgins (Goodreads | Amazon)
Had my eye on this one for a while - finally bought it. Can't wait to read it! :D
Had my eye on this one for a while - finally bought it. Can't wait to read it! :D
Bought eBook:

A Complete Pet Owners Manual
Kennel Club Books Designer Dog Series
Ok, to explain these I should probably point out that my family is thinking of getting a Goldendoodle puppy. My aunt has the loveliest Labradoodle who is completely crazy but so sweet. And Goldendoodles - I don't know if you guys have seen one, but they are GORGEOUS!! :DOk, so that's what I got! I really will need to sleep less and read more to get through all of these!! I have seriously got to stop buying books until I get my TBR pile under control!! ;)
Wow that is a lot of books! I'm looking forward to Mila 2.0 too, and I still haven't read TFioS!
That is so much! Good luck in getting through this lot. You got so much that looks really cool... Metawars, pretty girl 13, Sweet Evil... You will not be disappointed by TFIOS!!!
Also, Battle Lines is best in the series.... *prepares for huge amount of love for this*
Anya: I know! I have no idea how I'm gonna read em... ;)
Nina: Yeah - it's like a month worth of books. I LOVED TFIOS!! It was AMAZING!! And yeah, Battle Lines is SO the best in the series!! I loved it SO MUCH and NEED the sequel!!!! :D
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