Series: The Mortal Instruments, Book Five
Publisher: Walker Books
Format: Paperback
Published: 8th May 2012
Number of Pages: 560
Book: Bought
Genre: Dark Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Urban
Fantasy, Romance, Action-Adventure, YA
Age: 12+
Contains: Violence, Drinking, Death, Faerie Drugs, Swearing
No Alcohol References
Blog: Cassandra Clare
This Will Be A Rambly And Long Review From A Crazy Fangirl. Said Fangirl Has Tried To Cut This Review
Down. She Has Failed. Miserably.
Oh, And
There Will Be Spoilers.
You Have
Been Warned.
is now a servant of evil, bound for all eternity to Sebastian. Only a small band of Shadowhunters believe he
can be saved. To do this, they must defy
the Clave. And they must act without
Clary. For Clary is playing a dangerous
game utterly alone. The price of losing
is not just her own life, but Jace’s soul.
is willing to do anything for Jace, but can she still trust him? Or is he truly lost?
price is too high to pay, even for love?
We’ll start with a little rambling, before
the spoilers (and more rambling) begins…
of Lost Souls is engrossing, all
consuming. I left the house without it and nearly went stark raving
insane wondering what would happen next. It's one of those books that you
simply can't put down without going round the bend! If you're planning on
reading any book in this series, make sure you clear out a whole day or two so
you can read it without distractions! Or, unlike stupid ol' me, DON'T
Spoilers begin now…
me, little sister. Kill me, and you kill Jace, too..."
Jace Wayland disappeared the night Lilith
died – along with her and Valentine's son Sebastian, the boy with ebony eyes
and demon blood in his veins.
The Clave has been searching for them ever
since and Clary has almost killed herself with worry. She thinks she's
imagined the worse until she runs into Jace and Sebastian.
And sees that Jace... isn't her Jace
anymore. He's evil, bound to Sebastian forever.
Everyone thinks he's beyond saving. Believes he's evil now too.
Apart from the ones closest to him, the
ones willing to do anything to get their Jace back. Even if it means breaking every single rule ever made.
Or, in Clary's case, risking her life to get
more information, risking Jace's soul, as she tries to find a way to bring him
back to her...
Y'know how you pick up a book cause you
can't sleep and want to find out how it starts, and then end up reading two
hundred odd pages and stay up til three AM? CoLS? So that
book. Really I should have known better; after all, Clare has kept me
reading way into the night before. Really I only have myself to blame,
thinking I would be able to stop reading a book with Jace Wayland and Magnus
Bane and Simon Lewis in for any other reason than I was about to pass out from
exhaustion. Stupid Meg!
But, man, was it worth it! I couldn't put it down (lack of sleep fainting
aside) and was totally absorbed and invested in the plot and characters.
This series will never get old to me, not when there are so many wonderfully
snarky characters and such a kickass world I've already got my bags packed,
ready to move there like right now!
But how, how, how am I meant to wait
months and months and months for the next book?! Damn stupid
waiting! I need more: NOW!!
The characters… I’m sorry, but I warned you about the
rambling, people…
Jace, even with your evil on you are
utterly irresistible. And seeing Izzie's memories of Jace as a kid – just
break my heart why don't you! I love Jace so much – even twisted Jace.
But is it wrong that I love the not-Jace? He still has the snark and
Oh, who cares. That boy is darn
Clary Fray... I like Clary, I really
do. But are you an idiot?!
C'mon, self-destructive much? Still, I love how much tougher and kickass
she's gotten, how awesome she is at fighting. Well done Clary! But
she was selfish. Clary, Clary, Clary.
Why, why, oh why did you have to
become one of those girls?

And Simon, oh how I adore you! Sweet,
loving, warm, so, so human Simon who is just the best-hearted person in the
whole book. He’s really the hero of the story, the one who was pure and
sweet and good and... well, I just love my "Warrior of Heaven"!
I love Izzy, the fierceness and how she's
totally independent, would do anything to help the ones she loved. She
may look cold and hard, but she's so vulnerable inside, beneath the
hard-ass-ness of her – and beneath the whip, too!
Oh, Alec! I love you so much but don’t do that! Stupidity aside, my heart broke to see how
horrid the other Shadowhunters treated him – they aren’t open-minded when it
comes to sexuality…
Sebastian... I hate him! He is
an even better villain than Valentine – meaning, he's even MORE dreadful!
He has such believable motivations and reasons for his craziness – but don’t
think that I don’t want to jump into the book and muder him dead! He was truly intriguing and terrifying!
I adore all of the characters in this book,
but I just loved how some of the more minor characters got starring roles in
this. I loved getting to know some of the characters I didn't really know
that well before. Maryse Lightwood really came through for me: how much
she loved Jace just really made me warm to her. I loved Simon's sister
Becky: she was so sweet and added a perfect feel to the story.
And I love
the couples in this book. Simon and Izzie were perfect, even if they
weren't exactly 'official'. Jace and Clary I've always loved 'cause they
belong together. But Magnus and Alec were my all-time favourite.
They were PERFECT! And so darn cute! If they don't work out, I will cry
my eyes out. I'm warning you two! The 'bromance' between Sebastian
and the not-Jace was intriguing. I hated what Sebastian had done to Jace,
but their banter made me laugh nonetheless!
Oh and how the hell does Clare write in the
way that makes me unable – like, physically unable – to put down her
books? How does she make me feel like I'm right there in the world, with
all the others, like I'm a Shadowhunter too and there for the action? I've decided how. Cassandra Clare is MAGIC!
may have had the best plot of the series. It was just non-stop and super-fast,
and I loved how some of my favourite minor-ish characters got their own chunk
of the story line. COLS was just jam-packed
with subplots and suspense. It was addictive and could so easily have
been confusing, but it just wasn't. However, the problem with following many
various characters' stories is that there will inevitably be some you don't
like as much and some you to find and carry on with their story. Though
they grew on me, the ones I wasn't so excited about were Maia and Jordan.
The ones I skipped for? Always Jace and Clary. And also Magnus and
Alec. And Simon and Izzie. It's not that I didn't like the
Jordan-Maia scenes, some were actually pretty hot, just that I didn't feel as
connected to them, as fond of them. Nonetheless, this book addictive! It was fast-paced and
exciting and absorbing. Perfection!

It's honestly crazy how much I love this
series. If you ask me, it just keeps on
getting better and better. I know there are fans who disagree, but I love
it so, so much. I guess those are the ones who thought it was just a
trilogy and never thought more books would come out. I always thought it
was a series and read it as such. I just adore everything about this
series – and this book.
Sure, there were not-so-good bits, but the
story and characters and world just outshine everything and anything.
It's almost intoxicating. God, I love it... But, WHY, WHY, WHY must I wait a year for the next book!?!?!
I'm going to go insane!
Ok, I could go on and on and on about this
book – well, more than I already have. I loved it so much I'm not sure if
all my rambling has even done this incredible book justice. I loved it do
much I couldn't put it down, couldn't stop reading until I passed out from
exhaustion. And now I've begun the rambling again... What I was
trying to say was that this book, this amazing, pure awesome book, is so good I
can't even tell you. So all I'm gonna say is read it. Read the
series – PLEASE. I know you'll love them just as much as me – how
COULDN'T you?! So please, even if you're sick of paranormals or don't like
them, please, please, please read these. I'll love you forever if you do!
Star Rating:
5 Out of 5
5 Out of 5
Read this
book if you liked:
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Lux by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Rephaim by Paula Weston
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
It's Taking Part In:
Happy Reading
Cassandra Clare is such a fantastic author! :) I can't wait for you to read City of Heavenly Fire!!! :)
The plot in this book weaves and twists every which way. The end, never saw it coming. The Mortal Instruments is the main series of books, but there's a prequel as well. In this book more than others, the author will put hints and snippets from the other series. I squealed many times. All of that put together has made me decide to give this book five stars.
Top rated SEO Marble Falls
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