Let's start with my tip top reasons for
reading Red Queen!
One: Five Reasons To Read Red Queen
As much as I'd like to make my top five
reasons to read Red Queen:
1) Because it's awesome. 2) Because it's
awesome. 3) Because it's awesome. 4) Because it's awesome. 5)
Because it's BLOODY AWESOME.
I don't think that's going to cut it as a
post, is it? No? Thought not. Here are some real reasons why
you should go out of your house right now, go as fast as you can to the nearest
book store or library, and pick up a copy of Red Queen. I hope I convince you and that you become as big a
fangirl/boy as me and maybe (hopefully) understand this rather odd and super
enthusiastic post!

It's like Game of Thrones without the incest and
pointless (constant) killing! Ok, it's actually nothing like GoT. But it does have badass characters, amazing world building,
romance, suspense, violence, treachery, double crosses and deadly court games.
It's also just as addictive – I was instantly itching for Book Two the
very second I finished Red Queen.
Which sucks. Because it doesn't come out til next year. NEXT
YEAR! I really don't know how I'm gonna make it, guys...

The characters!
They are amazing – all of them!
Mainly because you really cannot trust so many of them! Much like
in GoT, the characters are
complicated and intriguing – though some are just b*tches (yep, I'm talkin'
about you, Evil Queen). Seriously though, it is so hard to judge them all
– and there are more double crosses than in Game
of Thrones and Pretty Little Liars
put together. But Mare is awesome
– you go, lightning girl! I don't wanna say too much about everyone else –
no spoilers! – but I will say there
are some dreamy peoples that make the heart go a-flutter. And some bloody
terrifying ones who make me want to do this: gif So yeah. Read it
and do this and then this:

There's something about
this book that is just pure magic. You guys know how it is. When
you start reading a book and all you feel is this:
But you want to know the
real reason you should read Red Queen?
Because it is the best epic fantasy-slash-dystopia you'll read this year.
Well, it might be the only one... But you know what I mean.
There is literally every single thing a book lover could want – romance,
action, suspense, twists, turns, magic, rebellion, treachery, ambiguous
characters, an evil queen, awesome characters, amazing writing, sublime world
building... OH, man I could go on.
But I won't. I'll just say DUDES
READ RED QUEEN! And if you live in the UK, enter my giveaway to win
one of three gorgeous copies – along with your very own badges!
Two: Gifs That Sum Up Red Queen!
I buy Red Queen, start reading and am like:

I get sucked in, until the world around me
could explode into flames and I wouldn't even look up.

Plot twists, character developments and Red
Queen's pure awesomeness do this to me:
Mind. Blown. And it hurts.

And then it's finshed. And I'm left a mess.

And then I'm like:

I finished and was just sitting there,
huggling my book to my chest.
Please don't leave me.

And all I can think is:

Why, Victoria?
And then I snap myself out of it and go to
declare my love to the world. And I start to recommend it. To
Hi, have you met Red Queen? No? You haven't? Buy it right now.
Don't make me hurt you.
And then I go home, curl up and admit:

I need Book Two. Until then:

Three: What You’ve Been Waiting For!
Ok, I hope you've enjoyed this bizarre
mishmash of random fangirlyness. It's been a lot of fun to write!
But now it's what y'all have been waiting for... GIVEAWAY TIME!
Yes, all you lucky ones who live in the UK
(especially those of us lucky enough to be in the middle of this freak
heatwave!), you have a chance to win your very own beautiful copy of Red Queen – it's so pretty. I
wanna do this: gif!
Yes, so here's the deal. Three of you
are going to win your own copy of Red
Queen and a cool Red Queen badge
as well! All you have to do is enter in the Rafflecopter gadget thing
below – and please post your own fangirl/boy reactions to how much you love Red Queen or how much you NEED Red Queen in the comments! I will
be choosing two winners at random but one will be chosen because of how awesome
your reaction is. Don't be afraid of being inventive – post a link to a
Tweet/post/video showing how much you love everything Red Queen!
Rise, Red As Dawn, Red Queen fans everywhere! The giveaway closes Saturday 18th
July at midnight! So get entering!!
And that’s it! I’m sorry for talking your ears off! But I hope you enjoyed this! Stop by The Reader's Corner tomorrow to check out the next stop on the tour! If you want to know more about the amazing Red Queen, check it out on Goodreads! And follow the brilliant Victoria Aveyard on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and on her blog!
Oh, and keep an eye on my Twitter and Tumblr too - I'll be posting some fanpics and dream casts over the next few days that I couldn't squish into this post! :D
Oh, and keep an eye on my Twitter and Tumblr too - I'll be posting some fanpics and dream casts over the next few days that I couldn't squish into this post! :D
OHMYGOSH! When I saw that you were doing a giveaway for Red Queen, I immediately jumped right into the details. I have been LUSTING for this book ever since the day I set my eyes on the beautiful cover. This is the book that I have been wanting for SOOOOO long, but never really had the time to pick up online or from the bookstore. Also, my mom has me on a book buying ban (yes, I failed to resist so she's the one keeping me on a leash).
I really want to own it because it reminds me of Defy by Sara B. Larson. I loved that book! I can't wait to read this book. Thank you!
Okay I SHOULD definitely read this book. It's on my wishlist books too!!! yep! REASONS TO READ THIS BOOK: BECAUSE IT'S BLOODY AWESOME!!!
It has been on my TO read list forever, and I have heard great things about it! Thanks so much for the chance!
I'd love to read Red Queen!
I want to read this book so badly. It's been in my TBR pile for so long. There's just too many books and not enough time.
This is me when I first saw the book cover:
since being introduced to some wonderful YA books in the last year i have become more of a fan of fantasy stories than ever before and this one sounds amazing. You have done a very good job of selling it to me.
I've been sitting on the fence about reading this book but I think you've convinced me! x
1. I am Gonna buy this book
2. Yay! you like PLL!
This is the best book ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The plot twist though!!!!!!!!!!!
I was so shocked. I actually cried!!!My best friend looked at me like I was crazy! Then when she read the book she understood.
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