Friday 29 July 2011

Follow Friday (#19)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View and Alison at Alison Can Read, and it's such an awesome idea!  
Our Feature This Week Is: 
Ok, guess what??  I'M THE FEATURE THIS WEEK!!!  I'm kinda excited, if my capitols didn't give that away.  It's just such a big thing that I take part in every week, and now I'm a feature.  Ok, I'll shut up now and get to the question.  :)
<-- My icon.  ^.^

Our Question:

"Let's Step Away From Books For A Second And Get Personal. What T-Shirt Slogan Best Describes You?"
Now, this one is a hard-un.  I may go with something ridiculous, like:
Fiction Is Better Than Fact.  Fact.
Cause I love living in my fantasy worlds.
When I was little, I swore this was my favourite slogan ever:
Forget Falling In Love.  I'd Much Rather Fall In Chocolate!
Then I went through a horse-loving stage (that I still haven't gotten over) and changed my mind to:
Been There.  Jumped That.  Got The Scars To Prove It.
My family also decided that, when I hit the teenage years that my official title was:
Grumpy In The Mornings.
They even brought me a pair of pyjamas with the slogan on, cheeky lot.
But, now, the only T-Shirt slogan I can think of to describe me is:
Live Your Dreams.
After all, no one else can live them for you.
Have a great weekend everyone!


Shah Wharton said...

Hey - I'm a new follower from the hop! Congrats on the feature and I've entered the 200 follower comp. You might be interested to know I've got a comp for Y.A book over at my blog this weekend too - and If you'd like to link up at my hop you can do that too.


Amy said...

Hi there, new follower here! I love those shirt slogans - and your blog! :)

Here's mine:

Jaedia @ The Dragon Chronicle said...

Hey, congrats on the feature :) New follower! And you're a British blogger to boot! <3

My post will be going up later on: Once Upon A Time

Book Sake said...

Nice choices for the t-shirt. There are so many good ones out there. New follower.

Our site is BookSake.

Pawing Through Books said...

Good slogans! Congrats on being featured! :)

I'm a newer follower and here is my first FF: Pawing Through Books

Barbara said...

New follower from Follow Friday!

Have a great weekend :)

Barbara @ Black, White & Read All Over

SJ said...

Congrats on being featured. I love your choices for t-shirt slogans, new follower. Now I'm off to check out your contest.

Jennifer @ The Book Nympho said...

Congrats on the feature. New follower.

Taylor said...

Congrats on being featured! I'm a new follower :)

I really like your picks for the t-shirt slogans :)

Here's my Follow Friday if you'd like to check it out:

Have a great weekend! :)


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed! Not easy to turn a selection of t-shirt slogans into a coherent story...well done! :)
BJ's FF @ Dark Side of the Covers

tweezle said...

Congrats on being featured! Love what you've done with the t-shirt sayings :)

Loving FMF... New follower here.
tweezle @ Just One More Paragraph

Heather said...

Hiya new follower :) Love your blog and the t-shirt slogans!

This is my follow friday:

Have a great weekend :)


Shanan, The Book Addict said...

Congrats on the feature!!


Jamie Kline (Bookerella) said...

Congrats on the feature, that's awesome! New follower here! Look forward to following your blog, I really enjoyed reading your answer to this week's question. I used to love that saying about chocolate too!

Jamie @ Bookerella

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

Congratulations of being the featured blog this week. I am a new follower. Please drop by my blog and sign up for my giveaway.


Book Savvy Babe said...

Happy Friday Follow! Great T-shirt slogans, I think my favorite is the chocolate one...yummm
Book Savvy Babe

Lalaine said...

new follower.loved that answer of yours. nice seeing you here.
if you have time pls do check out my ff this week. thank you


Allison said...

Hi! I'm a new follower- congrats on being featured!! I love the "Fiction is better than fact. Fact." slogan- so cute!

Christin said...

Congrats on the feature! I love your slogans! New follower here :)

Christin @ Portrait of a Book

Getting Your Read On said...

I'm a new follower here. Congrats on the feature. You've got some great tee shirt slogans there. :)

Happy Friday!


SweetMarie83 said...

LOVE your choices. I'm going to have to get a 'Been there. Jumped that. Have the scars to prove it' t-shirt for a friend who's broken multiple bones and even went paralyzed for awhile after horse-riding accidents, but she continues to work with them - she's even becoming a vet! And I think I might just get myself a 'Live your dreams' shirt. New follower, great blog! :-)

SM Patel said...

New follower thru Friday Blog Hop. Great t-shirt slogans.


Jenni Elyse said...

Great slogans. I especially like the one about fiction being greater than fact. Congratulations on being featured. I'm a new follower.

My Hop/Follow Friday Post

Buzzed Sweetness said...

Love them all. Happy Friday! :)

-Lydia @ Sensual Ride

Writer, Editor, Dreamer said...

Hi there! Congrats on being featured. New follower here. Check out my my #FF

~ andi novelista

Tiffany said...

love the blog:) btw im a new follower

The Scarf Princess said...

Congrats on being featured this week. I'm your newest follower and would love for you to visit me when you get a chance....

Angela's Anxious Life said...

Congrats on the feature! Old follower stopping by!!


Trish said...

Hi! New follower stopping by per the Hop! Happy Friday!

Val said...

Oh I like the fact/fiction one. Nice.

New follower

Here's mine:

Lisa (Reading to the Moon) said...

Hi, new follower!
I love this question, although I had to think about it. I went with "Pobody's Nerfect"

Lisa @Cold Moon Violet

J.J. Bonds said...

Hi Megan! New follower from Follow Friday. Congrats on the feature!

Aaron Pound said...

I love your t-shirt slogans.

Aaron (Dreaming About Other Worlds).

Molli @ Once Upon a Prologue said...

I'm a new follower from FF...congrats on being featured! I LOVE your blog!


Chrystal said...

Congrats on being the feature! :) I love all the slogans you posted. I should have GRUMPY IN THE MORNING... because even thought I am in my early thirties (I mean late twenties LOL) I am still grumpy each morning. LOL

Unknown said...

Ha! love your slogans. Esp. the fiction one. :)
And I'm a new follower from the hop, too, so, Hi!

Livia @ Butterfly-o-Meter Books said...

Hey! Congrats on being para-featured xD
And I love the slogans :D Totally awesome.

Butterfly-o-Meter Books

Bookingly Yours said...

congrats on the feature!! happy friday!!new follower ;)


The Book Diva said...

New follower! Great shirt picks!

Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. Great slogans! I especially love the Falling in chocolate one.
My Hop

Aylee said...

Congrats on getting the feature!