In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a perfect way to see who's reading and review what. Awesome!
Hi! I missed last week's IMM 'cause I was on holiday, but there were no books there anyway - :( - so I didn't buy anything. But I did make the mistake of popping into town. And then into The Works. As you can imagine: book heaven! Therefore, this is what I got this - and sorta last - week -s -:
For Review:

Legend of Witchtrot Road (Spirit Guide, Book Three) by E.J. Stevens (Goodreads)
I've just finished E.J.'s first book, She Smells the Dead - I loved it and my review should be up soon - and started her second. This one will come out in October, so be on the lookout for my review! And: isn't this just the most beautiful cover ever? Thanks E.J.!
This one sounds great! "Lorelei's first taste of love will either set her free from the lies of her family or it will kill her and the boy she loves." How amazing? Thanks Aaronni!
This one looks brilliant too! It's about two completely new species, and a forbidden love... I can't wait!

Once again, buying in advance. I think I'm gathering all the books out before starting the series. I have a little Morganville Vampires nest now! ;)
The True Story That Inspired A Major Film
I saw this movie and I was amazed by the horse, Big Red, AKA Secretariat. So when I saw this book in The Works, I bought it straight away. I can't wait to read it! I love horses. :)
Magic, Excitement and Adventure You Can Almost Taste...
Can't wait! I've wanted this for aaages! :D
Friendship Can Be Deadly
I love the look of this one! It was on my Wishlist! Yay! ^.^
Evil Just Got Nasty...
Yes. This series is for 9 year olds. And yes. It's about supervillians. And yes. It's awesome! I love this series. Guilty pleasure? :D
This was an impulse buy. It looks awesome! Kinda like a more adult-y version of Witch Child by Celia Rees. (:

This looks brilliant! Romantic, slightly creepy, haunting... Amazing! And the cover's gorgeous!
This looks ace too! A thriller-mystery-suspense type novel. Yay! :D
Love the look of this one! Magic, princesses and romance. Does it get any better?
This looks ace! It was actually on my wanted list, so: yes!
A wonderful, wonderful looking book. It looks like a bit of a To Kill a Mockingbird style book. I can't wait to read it.
That is my very, very, very, very long IMM. Sorry if I bored you all to death! ;)
What was in your mailbox this week?
Looks like a great week for you. I started Spellbound yesterday. Happy reading!
I've never heard of Beautiful Malice, but I'll have to check it out! The cover looks pretty cool!
Here's my IMM!
Happy reading!
i am in dire love with that Bite club cover! so much nicer than ours.
awww, secretariat!!
I've also been meaning to read Poison Study for ages! Great IMM this week; I hope you enjoy all your reads!
They all look really interesting. Happy reading! :-)
ooooh, I like that cover for Poison Study, and I've heard that book is really good.
Lots of awesome in your mailbox. Enjoy!
I just finished Cold Kiss and wound up loving it! I wasn't expecting that, and it was definitely a pleasant surprise for me.
I really enjoyed Cold Kiss (even though I spent a lot of the book crying, I'm a sap.) And I adore the Morganville Vampire Series. I have read them all and they leave me wanting so much more...also, I have found I have an adoration for all characeters named Shane. LOL!
Happy Reading
Kristin @ Better Read Than Dead
Not bored at all! You have a great list here! The cover of Witchrot Road looks beautiful so now I'll have to check out She Smells the Dead. Witch Light also looks cool. LOL, do you sense a theme?
Liza: It really was! Is it any good?
Alexis: It does look good and the cover is cool. :)
LunaMoth: I'm rather fond of it too. What's your one like?
Carrie: :)
Aylee: Thanks, and I'm sure I will!
Zoe: Thanks!
Missie: I've heard that too, thanks!
Shoshanah: Brilliant! I can't wait to read it!
Kristin: It's SAD? I didn't know! And the Morganville Vampire Series looks amazing!
Midnyte Reader: Phew! ;) Hmm... y'know, I think you may be right! (:
Thanks for all the comments and sorry for the late response!
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