In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a perfect way to see who's reading and review what. Awesome!
I got some brilliant review books this week! And - this one shocked me too - I only bought ONE book. ONE! I'm a little worried about myself... Maybe I should take my temperature? ;)
Anyway, this is what I got...
For Review:

I love, love, love Cathy Cassidy, and though I haven't read the first in this series, I can't wait to give this one a go! And isn't the cover just so cute?! Thanks Penguin!
Malfunction (Chronosphere, Book One) by Alex Woolf (Goodreads | Amazon)
Having read something by Alex Woolf before, I'm really excited to read these two! Thank you to Scribblers!

Having read something by Alex Woolf before, I'm really excited to read these two! Thank you to Scribblers!
This looks wonderful too, and the cover is gorgeous. Thanks Bonnie!
Being Human by Patricia Lynne (Goodreads | Amazon)
Lovin' the look of this one: vampires! Yes! ;) Thanks Patricia!

I Am Number Seven.
And I Am Ready To Fight.
I read I Am Number Four earlier this year and loved it. So, of course, I had to buy this. Can't wait to read it!

From the Library:

There Are Thirteen Reasons Why Your Friend Died. You Are One Of Them.
I've been wanting to read this for aaages! And now - finally - yes! It's really good so far.
I saw this on Sammee (I Want To Read That)'s blog, and thought: Oooh! So when I saw it in the library... well. How could I say no? Plus, the covers really pretty and shiny. :)
You're Only A Fingertip Away From Another World...
Yay yay yay! I'm super excited about this one! I love Holly Black!
Well, that's me. I'm really looking forward to reading them all!
What's in your mailbox this week?
Cool books this week. I personally would love to read Being Human it looks awesome. and so is Dawn's End.
Happy Reading! Check out my IMM if you have time
Woah, brilliant mailbox! If Marshmallow Skye is anything as good as Cherry Crush, you will love it! I want to read it so much! The Chronosphere books look interesting!
Wow! *jealous face* I recieved the Chrononsphere books too, and I am really desperate to read Marshmallow Skye. The Power Of Six sounds awesome!
I had a squee moment when I saw my book cover. lol Looking forward to your review of it.
The cover to The Power of Six is beautiful too. I love looking at book covers.
I have Thirteen Reasons Why on my TBR. When I posted it as an IMM a few weeks ago, every single commenter told me how good it was. I'm really looking forward to reading it :)
I'm so so jealous that your library has books like this! I'd be shocked if mine even had one...
Lalaine: Thanks! I love the look of them both! :D
Cliona: I was really pleased with it! Really? Great! I can't waait to read it!
Zoe: Marshmallow Skye and Power of Six do look wonderful!
Patricia: I'm looking forward to reading it! And isn't it just? Plus, the cover's kinda soft. Awesome!
Hanna: It's wonderful so far! And I was pretty shocked too! My library's really great!
Tessa: Thanks! I seem to be making you all jealous: sorry! Thanks again!
You're going to love White Cat! At least I did.
I'm loving it so far! :D
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