Series: Angel, Book Two
Publisher: Usborne
Format: Paperback
Published: 1st October 2011
Number of Pages: 720
Book: Bought
Urban Fantasy, Dark Romance, Paranormal, Romance, Magic, Thriller, Suspense, Action-Adventure, YA
Age: 13+
Contains: Violence, Death, Swearing, Alcohol, Smoking and Sexual
No Drug References
Site: L.A. Weatherly
Willow has the power to defeat the malevolent Church of Angels, and they will
stop at nothing to destroy her. Willow
isn’t alone, though. She has Alex by her
side – a trained Angel Killer and her one true love.
Willow will always be a half-angel, and when Alex joins forces with a group of
AKs, she’s treated with mistrust and suspicion.
She’s never felt more alone… until she meets Seb. He’s been searching for Willow his whole life
– because Seb is a half-angel too.
irresistible, Angel Fire
is a stunning story of loyalty, conflict and love.
Willow is half-human, half-angel. She’s not meant to exist. Only she
does. And now that the angels know about her… now that there are even
more of them than ever before… Well,
they are not happy about Willow’s existence – not happy at all.
But she has Alex, the boy she loves by her
side. As an Angel Killer, he's the best person to keep her safe as the Church
of Angels ruthlessly hunt for her.
And it's only going to get worse.
Among the second wave of angels were The Twelve: the oldest, most
powerful angels around – the original
angels. And they will stop at nothing
to kill her.
So Willow and Alex head for Mexico, looking
to start up a new band of Angel Killers. It's there they find and join
forces with the few surviving AKs... and it's there he two start to drift
apart. The AKs don't trust her, and Willow is struggling with her inner
And then she meets Seb. He has been
looking for Willow his whole life, desperate to find her and only her,
desperate not to be alone anymore.
Because Seb is a half-angel too. And
he believes that he and Willow belong together.
Will the band survive long enough to kill
The Twelve? And If they do, will they all make it our alive - and with
their hearts fully intact...?
I finished Angel and instantly bought Angel Fire. The second it landed on my doorstep, I leaped on
it like it was a book made of chocolate. And I was just instantly hooked,
two-hundred-and-fifty pages through before I even knew it. It was so, so
addictive. I can't even really put my finger on why it was so hooking, but it was. I gobbled it up in
one go: it was so much fun! And yes, there were niggles, but it really
had more good points than bad ones. And even the bad ones, somehow,
didn’t bother me overly.
Like the love triangle. Love
triangles are like my biggest pet peeve in the world. They always seem
so needless, a way of
adding suspense and plot when normally it isn't needed. And then there's
the whole teams thing, and I often end up being on the other side than my
friends. I remember years ago, my best friend and I arguing over Twilight Teams. I, being
firmly Team Edward, argued strongly about his merits, while she argued Jacob’s.
After many arguments, the only thing I conceded to was that in the
movies, Jacob has his top off more and has lots of muscles. I think she
gave in to the fact that Edward would never hit on a girl who was with someone
else. Which leads to my other hatred: I hate the idea of someone getting hurt, even if they are just
fictional. And someone always gets
hurt. Always always always.
Angel Fire... no different.
Hurt. God, too much hurt...

But nonetheless, I also really, really
loved Seb. He'd had such a hard life and he was so... Seb. I
admired the way he handled the situation, how sweet and funny he was. His
cheeky fictional tales killed me! He was just really sweet and a
brilliant character and I loved him too, though I’m still Team Alex…
Willow, I felt, came into her won in this
one. She was kinda more kickbutt and harder. More willing to do the
hard things that needed doing. She was also sweet as ever and always
there for Alex. I felt so bad, the way those others were treating her. I
was just like, ‘Hey! She's better than any of you gits!’ Cause it's true.
She is. She’s such a sweet and great female lead.
But all the other characters... Well,
not a fan. I absolutely hated all the other AKs because they were just so
horrid to Willow, even though she'd done nothing wrong, ever. It was
like: ‘Oh, you were born like this so we hate you even though that's not who
you really are.’ Kara in particular rubbed me up the wrong way. As
for the main baddie Raziel... well. I hated him. He was terrifying.
Dangerous. Oddly petty
for an ancient supernatural being... *shudder*
But the relationship between Willow and
Alex in this one... I preferred it, issues aside. It was more real, more
believable. Slightly less sickly. I just love the two of them –
they just belong together, are so freaking cute together... Sigh. The
cuteness could kill me, though it was a lot better in this one...
As for Willow and Seb. Well, I hate
love triangles and insta love but it all seemed to work in Angel Fire. I really liked the bond between the two of them: it was
sweet, touching. And you could get why the just click connected when you remember they are the only two
of their kind ever (that we know off...). And yes, I hated the
triangle because I knew one of them would get hurt but in an odd way I can't
imagine it being different. As for how it turned out... Well.
You're just gonna have to read and find out.

The plot... well, it was slightly slower,
often with loads of conflicted moments that were more of a psychological nature
rather than a suspense one. But when the action kicks off, when all the
suspense starts, when everything got going... I dare you to put it down.
If you can, you have more willpower than I do, that's for sure. As
for that ending... Oh. My. Freaking. God. When is Angel Fever out? Cause I need it
so freaking bad it's untrue.
But again may I just say how I love this
world. Angels that are bad, harmful, evil... I haven't come across
anything so original since the zombies in the Revenant series or the vampires in VA. It's just so freaking
awesome! Squee and yay to Weatherly's world! I could literally
happy dance for how refreshing and different and awesome it is!
So yes, Angel Fire had its setbacks just like Angel did. But it also had believable
and wonderful character growth, an awesome and exciting plot, gorgeous and
addictive writing, and the coolest angel world ever known to man. Plus,
it’s fun. So, so, so much fun.
And, really, that’s all you want in a paranormal isn’t it? Besides, that
suspense, that excitement, those characters. Oh, I could just gobble it
all up. Hey, I did! I read this seven hundred page bad boy in a
matter of sittings. And I so recommend
it to everyone. All paranormal
lovers everywhere. Just get past the niggles and enjoy. Cause it's awesome!
Now when's Angel Fever out?
Gimme gimme gimme!
I so badly have angel burn…
Star Rating:
4 Out of 5
4 Out of 5
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It's Taking Part In:
Happy Reading
1 comment:
I want to read "Angel fire" :) Could you tell me how many chapters has got this book? :)
Great review!
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