In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a perfect way to see who's reading and review what. Awesome!
Ok, I seriously need to do IMMs more often. This is getting ridiculous. This is like a month of books - if not more! Guys, if I don't do my next IMM next Sunday, will you all please email me and say: 'Hey, you lazy blogger! Get your nose out of that book and do your flipping IMM!!' Please? I seriously need all the encouragement I can get cos otherwise I'll just read and not do anything!! ;)
Ok, so anyways: this is what I got this week/last few weeks/maybe a month/maybe two/don't really know how long/I need a calender. But I can tell you something super exciting... Ok, two somethings that are super exciting.
First: It's my birthday tomorrow! Yay me!
Second: And EVEN MORE EXCITING!! Like six or seven of the people mentioned in this IMM are taking part in my Fortnight of Guests: The Authors... :D
Speaking of, check out my banner!

Seriously, though. I need to do these more often. Otherwise I get stuck doing the freaking mother of all IMMs and my head starts to hurt.
But anyway. This is what I got. Dare ya to guess who's taking part in Fortnight of Guests! :D
Happy Birthday Me!
They Want To Find Me. I Will Find Them First.
Speaking of, check out my banner!

Seriously, though. I need to do these more often. Otherwise I get stuck doing the freaking mother of all IMMs and my head starts to hurt.
But anyway. This is what I got. Dare ya to guess who's taking part in Fortnight of Guests! :D
Happy Birthday Me!
Bestselling Author of the Da Vinci Code
Yay! Can't wait to get stuck in - I love Dan Brown!!
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot WAIT to read this series!!! I've already started on Daimon!! Man, I am SO excited!! :D
The Final Book Of The Internationally Best-Selling DELIRIUM Trilogy
I so want to read this but at the same time really don't! I don't want this series to end! And also... that last ending! The boys! *heart breaking* I'm so confused!!!
Summer Ends.
Ice Melts.
Here's What's Left.
Here's What's Left.
Yay! Happy dance! I needed Book Three and I got it!! :D
What Do You Do When The Truth You Have Longed For Will Destroy You?
YesyesyesYES!!! *happy dance*
SQUEEEEEE!!!!! OMG, I cannot TELL you how EXCITED I AM about this book!!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!
They Have Arrived...
This looks freaking awesome!!
The Lost Prince (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, Book One) by Julie Kagawa (Goodreads | Amazon)
For Fans Of Snow White & The Huntsman
Yay yay yay yay yay!!! :D
For Review:
The Keeper (DI Sean Corrigan, Book Two) by Luke Delaney (Goodreads | Amazon)
Loved Cold Killing. Can't wait to read this! :D
The Killing Game (Carson Ryder, Book Nine) by J.A. Kerley (Goodreads | Amazon)
There Can Only Be One Killer In...
The Killing Game
Squee! I haven't read any of the Carson Ryder series, but I'm excited to read this one!
Shadow and Bone/Siege and Storm (Grisha, Books1&2) by Leigh Bardugo (Shadow and Bone: Goodreads | Amazon; Storm and Siege: Goodreads | Amazon)
I freaking LOVED Siege and Storm!!! Don't believe me? Check out my review: here! :D
Loved Cold Killing. Can't wait to read this! :D
The Killing Game (Carson Ryder, Book Nine) by J.A. Kerley (Goodreads | Amazon)
There Can Only Be One Killer In...
The Killing Game
Squee! I haven't read any of the Carson Ryder series, but I'm excited to read this one!
Shadow and Bone/Siege and Storm (Grisha, Books1&2) by Leigh Bardugo (Shadow and Bone: Goodreads | Amazon; Storm and Siege: Goodreads | Amazon)
I freaking LOVED Siege and Storm!!! Don't believe me? Check out my review: here! :D
The Arrivals by Melissa Marr (Goodreads | Amazon)
LOVE Melissa Marr! And this cover is so totally GORGEOUS!! Started reading it the other day, know it's going to be amazing!
LOVE Melissa Marr! And this cover is so totally GORGEOUS!! Started reading it the other day, know it's going to be amazing!
Feral Youth by Polly Courtney (Goodreads | Amazon)
This one looks brilliant, really excited about reading it!
The Fire Witness (Joona Linna, Book Three) by Lars Kepler (Goodreads | Amazon)
Love my crime drama!! :D

Hurt by Tabitha Suzuma (Goodreads | Amazon)
Matheo Hides A Secret So Terrible It Could Destroy Everything...
After the Olympics I became interested in diving. Tabitha is, obviously, a legend. Ergo, super excited!!
Witchstruck (The Tudor Witch Trilogy, Book One) by Victoria Lamb (Goodreads | Amazon)
Excited about reading this! Forgot to take a picture, 'cause I'm dumb like that. ;)
My Super Exciting Parcel...
Oliver and the Seawigs by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntrye (Goodreads | Amazon)
OMG, I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how EXCITED I AM about this book!!! I absolutely LOVED IT!! The drawings are GORGEOUS, the writing FUNNY and the plot so far AWESOME!! :D
Winter Damage by Natasha Carthew (Goodreads | Amazon)
Plus Winter Damage Reading Kit: Fingerless Gloves, Wispa Bar, Hot Chocolate, Tissues
Love this book so far! And awesome care package!! Though it always worries me when they send tissues... ;)
This one looks brilliant, really excited about reading it!
Haven't You Ever Felt Like There Has To Be More?
Like There's More Out There, Just Beyond Your Grasp, If You Could Only Get To It?
Love Patrick Ness - can't wait to read!! :D
Started this already: loving it to pieces!
So different and sooo cool! Can't wait to read!! :D
Glamour. Decadence. Death.
Everyone Is Dying To Get Into Coldtown
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!! LOVING it!!!! Holly Black RULES!!! :D
Fractured (Slated, Book Two) by Teri Terry (Goodreads | Amazon)
In A World Full Of Danger, Who Can You Trust?
Yay! Super excting!!
Between Darkness And Light There Is Love.
Slightly behind on this series but super excited to catch up!! :D
Love my crime drama!! :D
Zenn Scarlett by Christian Schoon (Goodreads | Amazon)
The Universe Is Teeming With Life - And Zenn Must Keep It That Way
Been wanting to read this for ages: SUCH a gorgeous cover too!!! :D
I haven't read the rest of this series but I can't wait to read it!! Looks sooo good!!! :D
A Secret Untold - Until Now...
Can't wait to read this!! Looks amazing!!
People Are Dying To Get Here...
Squee!! Super exciting!! :D
Before She Was Deadly. Now She Is Unstoppable.
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! SO excited!! :D :D :D
No One Is Safe From The Hunter
Looks amazing!! Gotta love YA thrillers!! :D
Ash Mistry and the Savage Fortress (Ash Mistry Chronicles, Book One) by Sarwat Chadda (Goodreads | Amazon)
Ash Mistry and the City of Death (Ash Mistry Chronicles, Book Two) by Sarwat Chadda (Goodreads | Amazon)
Ash Mistry and the World of Darkness (Ash Mistry Chronicles, Book Three) by Sarwat Chadda (Goodreads | Amazon)
One Unlikely Hero. A Whole Load Of Demons...
Does a crazy happy dance. Yay yay yay!!!! LOVE Sarwat!!! LOVING Ash Mistry!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! This is one HAPPY blogger!!
There's Trouble In Paradise...
The Final Breathtaking Book In The Angel Trilogy
YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, can't WAIT to read!!! :D :D
*drools over cover* Can't WAIT to read this one either!! And that cover... Well. Droolworthy!! ;)
Portal 24 by Meredith Stroud (Goodreads | Amazon)
YAY!!! Super excited about this one too!! And ANOTHER gorgeous cover!! HotKey books, your artists blow my mind.
Never Be Afraid To Fall
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think this is one of the books I was most excited to get!!! I've been wantign it for ages.... and now it's here. In front of me. I'm stroking it. #MyLifeIsComplete ;)

Hurt by Tabitha Suzuma (Goodreads | Amazon)
Matheo Hides A Secret So Terrible It Could Destroy Everything...
After the Olympics I became interested in diving. Tabitha is, obviously, a legend. Ergo, super excited!!
Witchstruck (The Tudor Witch Trilogy, Book One) by Victoria Lamb (Goodreads | Amazon)
Excited about reading this! Forgot to take a picture, 'cause I'm dumb like that. ;)
My Super Exciting Parcel...
Oliver and the Seawigs by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntrye (Goodreads | Amazon)
OMG, I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how EXCITED I AM about this book!!! I absolutely LOVED IT!! The drawings are GORGEOUS, the writing FUNNY and the plot so far AWESOME!! :D
Plus Winter Damage Reading Kit: Fingerless Gloves, Wispa Bar, Hot Chocolate, Tissues
Love this book so far! And awesome care package!! Though it always worries me when they send tissues... ;)
Angel Swag!!
Angel Signed ARC
Angel & Angel Fire Tasters
2x Angel Buttons
3x Angel Bookmarks
Usborne Bookmark
Level 2 Postcard
Usborne Bag
Angel Series by L.A. Weatherly (Goodreads | Amazon)
Loving the look of these two! Heard so many awesome things: can't wait to read them!
Not pictured.
Bought all of these a while back in The Works for under a tenner! Not bad, that!! :D
The Third Book In The Internationally Bestselling Hush, Hush Sequence
Don't know why this one called to me. But I really wanted it! :D
Love historical fiction! :D
What Do You Do When The Lights Go Out...
All I need now is to buy book two! Didn't realise that 'til I'd left the shop!
Every Legend Has A Hero, But Not All Heroes Are Legendary...
Adore Johnathon Stroud - can't wait to read!! :D
But Never Forgotten.
Yay! Now all I need is Book Three! :D
Update: And I got it for my Birthday!! :D :D
YAY!!! :D Love Tera!!
In The Eye Of The Storm, You Can Only Trust Yourself...
Her Magic Could Destroy Them All...
What can I say? I'm on a Maria Snyder kick. ;)
Love old Terry!! Reading this for Nina (Death, Books and Tea)'s awesome Rainbow Reads!! Check it out!! :D
Bought For French:
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert (Goodreads | Amazon)
Looking forward to this one!
Bel-Ami by Guy de Maupassant (Goodreads | Amazon)
Ditto! Might have to watch the movie! #EyeCandy Robert Patterson!!! ;)
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo (Goodreads | Amazon)
This book is a monster. Like over 1600 pages. In French. Talk about light summer reading...
Looking forward to this one!
Bel-Ami by Guy de Maupassant (Goodreads | Amazon)
Ditto! Might have to watch the movie! #EyeCandy Robert Patterson!!! ;)
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo (Goodreads | Amazon)
This book is a monster. Like over 1600 pages. In French. Talk about light summer reading...
Voyage au Centre de la (Extraordinary Voyages) by Jules Verne (Goodreads | Amazon)
Vingt Mille Lieues Sous Les Mers (Extraordinary Voyages) by Jules Verne (Goodreads | Amazon)
Manon des Sources (L'eau Des Collines, Book Two) by Marcel Pagnol (Goodreads | Amazon)
Jean de Florette (L'eau Des Collines, Book One) by Marcel Pagnol (Goodreads | Amazon)
Brilliant series! Can't wait to read! :D
La Nuit Des Enfants Rois by Bernard Lenteric (Goodreads | Amazon)
Notre Intelligence Est Sans Limite.
Notre Vengeance Sera Sans Pitié...
A brilliant book! Totally terrifying!
Vingt Mille Lieues Sous Les Mers (Extraordinary Voyages) by Jules Verne (Goodreads | Amazon)
Manon des Sources (L'eau Des Collines, Book Two) by Marcel Pagnol (Goodreads | Amazon)
Jean de Florette (L'eau Des Collines, Book One) by Marcel Pagnol (Goodreads | Amazon)
Brilliant series! Can't wait to read! :D
La Nuit Des Enfants Rois by Bernard Lenteric (Goodreads | Amazon)
Notre Intelligence Est Sans Limite.
Notre Vengeance Sera Sans Pitié...
A brilliant book! Totally terrifying!
Le Rouge et le Noir by Stendhal (Goodreads | Amazon)
Loving this - awesome!! Great book.
Jean de Florette and Manon des Source DVD (Amazon)
Loving this - awesome!! Great book.
Jean de Florette and Manon des Source DVD (Amazon)
We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver (Goodreads | Amazon)
Jane Eyre prequel!! Squee!!! :D :D
Wolf Hall (Thomas Cromwell Trilogy, Book One) by Hilary Mantel (Goodreads | Amazon)
To get a taste of the time period. ;)
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys (Goodreads | Amazon)To get a taste of the time period. ;)
Jane Eyre prequel!! Squee!!! :D :D
OMG, thank GOD that's done!! I'm going to go sleep now... This has taken freaking forever!!!!
Anyways, hope you're all enjoying the summer and are reading loads of good books!! :D
Happy Reading everyone!!
NO. FREAKIN'. WAY. :O SO MANY AMAZING BOOKS!!!! Holy moley... *freaks out*
Where do I start? Well.... happy birthday! :D I have Pandemonium on my TBR pile so I need to also finish this series. Some people were disappointed by the ending of Requiem so I'm scared to read it :/ I also have the Iron Fey series on my TBR pile! So many books, so little time....
I'm currently reading The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, and I have Crown of Midnight for review too xD Shadow and Bone didn't quite work for me but I'm glad you liked it. I'm dying to read The Elites :D Happy reading, Megan!
Inferno & J.L. Armentrout books(need to get them), Iron Queen BLOODY AWESOME....Shades of Earth FANTASTIC (i love this cove so much more than the US one).... Unravel Me (have it, still need to read), The Lost Prince amazing....
Shadow and Bone, Defiance, Coldest Girl in Cold Town, Elegy, Crown of Midnight, Belle Epoque... need to get them soon too, can't wait to see what you have to say for them...
Soul Screamers (getting them on birthday in September somehow), Under the Never sky, Hush,Hush and iron Knight.....
Seriously this sounds like almost 2 months of fantastic collection on here..... ENJOY!!!
do see mine too here
What a great haul! You have so many great books to read, and some of my absolute favorites. I love the Covenant series--I tell you, Jennifer Armentrout is a genius! You will love love love them. And Unravel Me, ahh! Love it so much. And I cannot wait to read Crown of Midnight. Have fun reading! ~Pam
That is a LOT of books!
I loved Crown of Midnight, I hope you enjoy it (if you haven't read it yet), and We Need to Talk About Kevin is one of my favourite books ever.
Happy reading.
Woah, that is a ton of books! There's so many on there that I'm mega-excited to read myself, especially the Covenant series. I still need to read Throne of Glass, but I've heard Crown of Midnight is awesome, so I'll definitely be getting to that soon.
Happy reading, that lot should keep you pre-occupied for a little while! ;)
Looks like a boat load! I read "Inferno," as I read the rest of Dan Brown's books and while I wasn't fond of it, the concept will be something to check out. You have a lot and a lot of different kinds of books and for French AND English... WOW!
I'm sooo jealous of you right now! I want to quit being an author & be a book blogger instead, lol. Anyway, H*A*PP*Y*B*IR*TH*D*AY!! I really loved Soul Screamers series and Under the Never Sky books--I even tweeted with the author not too long ago *faints*
Zoe: Yeah: I really need to do these more often... Thank you! I really recommend the Iron Fey series - they are sooo brilliant! Coldest Girl is awesome!! Thank you!! :D
Aparajita: Probably is. I don't really remember the last time I did one of these... ;) I've been lucky - so many great books! I'll read them ASAP and get some reviews up!! :D Thanks!
Pam: I totally agree: Jennifer is a genius slash god! I can't wait to read it!! And Unravel Me... I'm going crazy - I need to read it but ah too little time! Thank you - I will!! :D
Sarah: Yeah... ;) I MUST read Crown of Midnight soon - it's been at the top of my pile for ages!! And Kevin looks great too! Thank you! :D
Holly: Yep... I definitely think you should read Throne of Glass - amazing - and anything Jennifer writes is amazing!! :D Thank you!
Josh: :) I love Dan Brown but I think Da Vinci Code will never be beaten in my mind! Thanks - that's what you get for taking a language at college!! ;)
Jamie: ;) Trust me, I'd be an author like that *clicks fingers*! :D Thank you!! I'm super excited about Under the Never Sky and love the Soul Screamers series!! Ah, what did we do without Twitter!! :D
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