Series: Skulduggery Pleasant, Book Three
Publisher: HarperCollins
Format: Hardcover
Published: 6th December 2008
Number of Pages: 395
Book: Bought
Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Comedy, Urban Fantasy, Thriller,
Suspense, Horror, Action-Adventure, Mystery, Children's, YA, Children's-YA
Age: 10+
Contains: Violence, Death – Lots And Lots Of Violence And Death! – And
Mild Swearing
No Alcohol or Drug References
Blog: Derek Landy Blogs Under Duress
Skulduggery Pleasant Site: Skulduggery Pleasant
“Valkyrie screamed, sprinting towards
Skulduggery. He looked up and reached
out to her, but it was too late…”
seen it all before: some bad guy wants to bring about the end of the world, and
Skulduggery and Valkyrie fight valiantly to stop it happening. A few people get hurt, sure, but everything’s
all right in the end.
not this time.
a prediction about me, you know. I die and the world ends..."
Honestly, you save the world not once, but
twice, and then another guy pops up, wanting to start the tango all over again.
We all know how it goes. Skulduggery and Valkyrie (a living
skeleton sorcerer detective and his teenage trainee-sorcerer-sidekick) get
involved to stop the end of the world. Things get sticky. Someone
probably gets kidnapped. Or injured. Or turned to stone. Or
killed. But they always win – always.
They always save the world by the skin of their teeth and fix everything
last minute.
This time, though, it's different.
You know the Faceless Ones? They’re the evil, homicidal gods who
were exiled eons ago. The gods who want to kill all humans. And
crush all the goodness on earth. And are just, plain and simple, evil.
Well, someone's found a way to get them
back. To bring them back from their exile and into our world – you know,
the place they want to destroy. Yeah, it's safe to say that if they come
back, things are gonna get very very bad very very fast.
Which is why Skulduggery and Valkyrie have
to act quickly. Someone's been killing Teleporters – Teleporters who are
the key ingredient to opening the gates between the Faceless Ones and us.
And Skulduggery needs to find out what the killer’s angle is before it's too late.
Can they stop the Faceless Ones returning?
What will be the cost...? Will
their full forces be enough this time?
Will anything be enough..?
Have I mentioned yet how much I love this
series? No? Really? Man, we've got through like twenty lines
without me saying I love Skulduggery
Pleasant? That's gotta be a new
record! But I'm about to ruin my streak. I freaking love this series. It is one of my very favourite series in the
history of the world. And, at the risk of totally repeating what I've
said in like every review of the Skulduggery series so far, it's so
much fun! You can just
completely forget about the world, food, water and sleep when you pick up a Skulduggery book. And I do. They're too freaking good!
And good God do I love the characters. Like all of them. Well,
apart from the evil ones. Who likes evil characters? That's just
But as always, my favourite is the Skeleton
Detective. Skulduggery, I don't care what they say: I love you. You
are funny and kickass and hilarious! I can literally never read a scene
with him in without laughing my head off. He's just... awesome. And soooo funny. And I just love him. Team Skulduggery!
Valkyrie, you're awesome too. I love
you. I wish I was you. You’re strong, kickbutt, funny and brave.
I’m also jealous: I want magic and Skulduggery as a partner. But
I digress: I love Valkyrie. She's just brilliant and the most amazing
lead girl.

Ok, so I know I say this every time, but I
love Tanith and Ghastly. Tanith especially. Why? Cause she is
kickass! She's also awesome.
I also love China – she's so complicated and yet so straightforward.
And I love how she always always
comes through. No one seems to expect her to, but she does. And I'd kill for her powers! Only not
really. Because that would be wrong….
Echo-Gordon was one of my faves, though.
On the other end, someone I could literally
punch was Crux. I seriously wanted someone to eat him. Preferably
vampires. He just wound me up! The
Diablerie, AKA the Real Bad Guys, weren't
very nice either. Or at all. And they were all really sneaky. Sanguine
makes me laugh, though. I think it's the accent.
And man,
this world just gets more and more awesome. For example, Necromancers.
They rock. The way the control
shadows... Legendary! Kinda like the Darkling, though not as evil.
The Teleporters are awesome too. Especially since Fletcher is like
last-guy-standing. Go Fletch!

Something I really love, though, is that
it's a book for everyone. You can be old, young, a boy or a girl, and
you'll still love this series. With so many boys, if there's a main
character that's a girl, they'll just roll their eyes and push the book away.
Not with Skulduggery. For
one, there's a whole bunch of other awesome characters. And two, Val isn't a normal girl. And even if
she were, that's not what this is about. It's about good versus evil,
non-stop action, skeleton detectives and getting completely and utterly lost in
a book. And I love that. It's perhaps the main reason I love Skulduggery Pleasant. That
everyone can enjoy it – there's no set reading group, no stereotypical
audience. And I like that. I love
And I need more. Now now now.
I swear to God, this series is like a freakin' drug. And The Faceless Ones? Just yet
another kickass amazing instalment to this brilliant brilliant series. Please, I don't care how old you are, pick
up one of these books and you'll get it. You'll love it. You'll
want more as much as I do.
Thank God I have Dark Days. Now, where did I put it...?
Star Rating:
5 Out of 5
5 Out of 5
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book if you liked:
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Happy Reading
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