In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a perfect way to see who's reading and review what. Awesome!
I may have bought one or two too many books... But I love them all! They came in one go (even though they were from a couple different online shops), so much of that morning was devoted to stroking spines, before I decided I ought to actually get a move on. I also went OTT on NetGalley (trust, I've requested more than the ones on this page!)
Before I go, if you live in the UK, don't forget to check out the Sue Limb Blog Tour Giveaway of Chocolate S.O.S - three winners! And where ever you live, check out the three awesome author guestposts I've had this week: one from Curtis Jobling, Sue Limb and Kirsty Murray.
I'll get on with the meme now. ;)
For Review:
In A Time Of War What Would You Sacrifice For Love?
I love the sound of this one - it just looks SO GOOD! I CAN'T WAIT to read it!!! :D
Three Of Them Will Go One The Trip Of A Lifetime.
Only One Wukk Come Back.
I am SO excited about this one!! I've been wanting to get it for aaages, so when Atom offered, I jumped at the chance to read it! And from what I've read: SO COOL! :D :D
Thank you Atom and Alma!!
Another for the romance challenge. I started this one, just real quick, and I loved it, I got sucked in! I can't wait to really read it!
One Girl.
Two Boys.
Two Boys.
And The Summer That Changed Everything...
This is part of my own personal challenge, set by Sammee (I Want To Read That) 'cause I don't read enough romance-romance books. The challenge? To read 12 romance books off of a list chosen by Sammee. So far: bought two books for said challenge! *victory fist pump* All I have to do is, well, read them. And 10 more. So excited!
A Witch in Winter (Winter, Book One) by Ruth Warburton (Goodreads | Amazon)
I LOVE the sound of this one! I really can't wait to read it! Plus: one for the Debut Challenge: YES!
Ashes (Ashes, Book One) by Isla J. Bick (Goodreads | Amazon)
A Witch in Winter (Winter, Book One) by Ruth Warburton (Goodreads | Amazon)
I LOVE the sound of this one! I really can't wait to read it! Plus: one for the Debut Challenge: YES!
Ashes (Ashes, Book One) by Isla J. Bick (Goodreads | Amazon)
Yaaaaaaaaaay! I'm so excited about Ashes! Go zombies!! (This IS zombies... right?!)
The Name of the Star (Shades of London, Book One) by Maureen Johnson (Goodreads | Amazon)
Jack The Ripper Returns...
SQUEEE! I can't wait to read this!! I've been looking forward to it for aages! And now... TOTAL RIPPERMANIA!! Does that make me totally twisted?
The Name of the Star (Shades of London, Book One) by Maureen Johnson (Goodreads | Amazon)
Jack The Ripper Returns...
SQUEEE! I can't wait to read this!! I've been looking forward to it for aages! And now... TOTAL RIPPERMANIA!! Does that make me totally twisted?
His Destiny Awaits Him
When Everyone Is Lying, Who Do You Trust?
*dances excitedly* Yay! I have Night School! Equals: major excitement!! And: Squeees!
From NetGalley:

You Can Run (Robyn Hunter, Book Two) by Norah McClintock (Goodreads | Amazon | Netgalley)
Yay, mystery!
Yay, mystery!
Katana by Cole Gibsen (Goodreads | Amazon | Netgalley)
Kill Bill meets Buffy
Started this one: SO AWESOME!
Kill Bill meets Buffy
Started this one: SO AWESOME!
Buried (Goth Girl Myster, Book One?) by Linda Joy Singleton (Goodreads | Amazon | Netgalley)
It looks good and has some good reviews!
It looks good and has some good reviews!
Poison Most Vial by Benedict Carey(Goodreads | Amazon | Netgalley)
Another mystery - yay!
13 Hangmen by Art Corriveau (Goodreads | Amazon | Netgalley)
Another mystery - yay!
13 Hangmen by Art Corriveau (Goodreads | Amazon | Netgalley)
This one looks so cool! :D
Well, that's what I got. I think Christmas has wiped away the smidgen of self constraint I had... ;)
What was in your mailbox this week? :)
lots of nice books! I had night school at one point but i dont know what happned to it (probably the great book purge of 2011) =) hope you enjoy your books
Check out my IMM
I loved Ashes!! Yes it's zombies :D You might get a shock halfway through but try not to let it bother you too much, the second half is good too!
I have The Summer I turned Pretty as well--it will get read this year!
Enjoy all your books :]
nice haul this week, love the cover for Night School! Happy reading :) Book Savvy Babe’s IMM
nice haul dudette
nigh school sounds rad
Cool haul:) I like your blog, would you check out mine and follow me? its Thanks a lot!
That is a lot of books! I really like the look of Poison Most Vial and Night School - can't wait to find out what you make of them!
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