In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a perfect way to see who's reading and review what. Awesome!

Well. This week I only bought four books! For me, that's pretty darn good! ;) But, well, I um. I sort of requested loads on NetGalley. All completely by accident of course. Anyhoo, this is what I got...
For Review:
Enslaved By Empire, He Will Rise A Hero...
I haven't read the first in the series yet, but it looks amazing and from what I've heard it is amazing, so I can't wait to read the two of the books in this series! :)
The Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists (The Pirate!, Book One) by Gideon Defoe (Goodreads | Amazon)
Oh my god, I saw an advert for this, 'cause it's being made into a movie by the same people who do Wallace and Gromit, and thought it looked completely bonkers and absolutely hilarious. The book? Pretty much the exact same reaction from what I've read! Can't wait to read it all!
I have read and loved every singe book Alyxandra Harvey has written, so I can't wait to read this!
Thank you Bloomsbury & Penguin!

I've been wanting to read this one for ages now, so when I saw it for super-cheap I couldn't help myself!
I read the first in this series ages ago, and bought the set 'cause it cost less than one normal book to buy all three. Bargain! Plus I love the covers - especially of the 2nd and 3rd book!
From NetGalley:

Are Some Secrets Best Left Secret?
I've been wanting to read this since... forever! It looks SO GOOD! IS so good, from what I've read of it! (40 pages in a matter of minutes!)
Your Body. Rented Out. Used To Murder.
I started this the other day - AMAZING!
Angels, Demons, Celebs, Oh my! Well, that's what I thought when I read the blurb, anyways. Looks awesome and lovin' the cover!
This Looks awesome - and again: love the cover!
I think I really have caught Rippermania - this is the second Jack-the-Ripper book I've picked up in three weeks. Should that concern me?
Well, that's me. I may have gone slightly OTT on NetGalley... Meh. Oh well.
What was in your mailbox this week? :)
the pirates book looks really interesting!
That's a lot of great books in one post! I really liked The Dark Divine :)
What is netgalley? lol
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