Series: Lux, Book Three
Publisher: Entangled
Format: Paperback
Published: 11th September 2012
Number of Pages: 542
Book: Bought
Genre: Science-Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Fantasy, Romance, Thriller, Suspense, Action-Adventure, YA
Age: 14+
Contains: Violence,
Swearing, Death, Alcohol and Sexual Reference
No Drug References
Blog: Jennifer L. Armentrout
Warning: This review will be an excited rambling of a
fangirl who is totally in love with a certain boy from this book. You could read it and laugh, or, the
recommended option, you could go and buy the book and then ramble yourself.
No one is like Daemon Black.
he set out to prove his feelings for me, he wasn’t fooling around. Doubting him isn’t something I’ll do again,
and now that we’ve made it through the rough patches, well… There’s a lot of spontaneous combustion going
But even he can’t protect his family from
the danger of trying to free those they love.
everything, I’m not longer the same Katy.
I’m different… And I’m not sure what that will mean in the end. When each step we take in discovering the
truth puts us in the path of the secret organization responsible for torturing
and testing hybrids, the more I realize there is no end to what I’m capable
of. The death of someone close still
lingers, help comes from the most unlikely source, and friends become the
deadliest of enemies, but we won’t turn back.
Even if the outcome will shatter our worlds forever.
Together we’re stronger… and they know
'Now it was do or die time.
All these months had led up to this…'
do you do when someone you thought was dead suddenly reappears and comes home?
Only, they aren't the person you lost – not anymore. Not after all
they've gone through...
they want to go back. They were forced to leave behind the person they
love more than anything, and not even family will stop them from going to
rescue their love.

they all just need to get by and act normal.
isn't easy when your boyfriend and his family are aliens and you aren't really
human anymore either. And when everyone is trying to deal with the
terrible loss they've been hit by, and all the devastating outcomes. And
when people you hoped were long gone reappear and start causing complete
Katy's boyfriend is Daemon
Black, the hottest person ever to walk the earth.
The situation may be totally unstable and likely to blow up any minute
and they are trying to pull off the biggest prison break since Mission Impossible
was invented, but it has its perks...
seriously: "You really shouldn't trust a soul in this game. Not when
everyone has something to gain or lose…" Just a warning, guys…
God, just when I was thinking the Lux series could not possibly get better: BAM! It goes and increases the
awesomeness by infinity. And yes, just like all my reviews of this
series, my review of Opal will be the
pure rambling of an obsessed and infatuated fan girl. Sorry, but what
else can a girl do when she's head-over-heels in love? Because that's
what I am: totally in love with the Lux series – and, of course, the pure
hotness-incarnate that is Daemon Black. *swoon*
I'm back. Back with my one and only criticism of Opal. And what is that, you may ask? Well, the fact
that Jennifer is now officially THE
THAT?!?! Do you WANT me to go COMPLETELY CRAZY?! Cause if you do:
I am so sorry about that. I just can't get over that ending - check out my gif post and you'll understand. I am
officially in total and utter shock – think of the worst cliffhanger ever (the
end of Shadow Kissed, The Golden Lily, all the Supernatural season finales, plus the Buffy Season Five finale all rolled into
one) and then multiply it. By like a squillion. Add in a major
heart attack, hyperventilating and an almost comatose state of shock.
Cause, you know, I'm pretty sure
that cliffhanger is meant to give you a heart attack and then break it into a
squillion pieces all at once. Cause that's where my heart's at: seizing
and broken beyond repair. Imagine all of this and then you'll be where I
am right now. Good luck getting over it. God knows I can't...
Like, ever. I'm pretty sure – no, I am certain – that I have now been scarred for life. Jeez,
my heart hurts...
better and brighter things though. Namely: Daemon Black. My newest,
bested, favouritest book boyfriend. Sure, he's prickly and obsessively
protective and a bit macho-patriarchal-boy like, but man do I love him.
He's so sweet and cheeky and charming and gorgeous and loving and caring.
And all he has on his shoulders – all I wanted to do was wrap him up and
take him home and never, ever let him leave. That sounded really creepy,
but that's not how I meant it. I wanted to protect him like he protects
everyone else, because everything he had to deal with... I just wanted to give
him a break, y'know? Keep him safe for a little while. Plus, he
really is perfect. And amazing. And I love him. Something Katy says
about him amuses me:
needed a flashlight when you had Daemon?"
reaction amuses me more: Who needed freaking anything if they have Daemon?!
for Kat, may I say I love the new her. She's strong and kickass and
brave. She had these moments where she was the strongest ever and willing
to do absolutely anything to keep the people she cared about safe – these
scared her, but I thought it just proved how much she loved Daemon. Plus,
again gotta mention her love of books: I love it when she goes squee-ey over
– god, poor Dee! She wasn't in it much, which I don't blame her for, and
we saw this whole new, kinda scary side of her. But in the end, she's Dee
and I'll always love her, strange, hyper alien she is.
'cause I don't wanna give anything away, we'll just say that someone we thought
was dead is really alive – and back. We will call said someone X, for no
real reason other than to be all mysterious. And X was so, so damaged – I
wanted to protect them too, bless X. Sure, X was kinda weird and damaged
and a little scary at times, but I loved X none the less. Plus the
conversation X had with Kat about zombies and surviving the zombie apocalypse
was freaking hilarious!
for Blake... I just can't make up my mind about that guy. One minute, I'm
feeling sorry for him. The next minute? Well, he's creepin' the
heck outta me. I seriously don't know what to do with the guy...
I mentioned yet that I adore all of these characters? Like, seriously and
totally love them all to pieces? I have? Oops. Well, I'll
tell y'all again. I love them THIS MUCH!!! By the way, I
just held my arms out as wide as I can. It's not enough. I think I
need to multiply it by a zillion to show how much I love Daemon – I mean, them:
all of them... Maybe a million zillion squillion...
most of all, I love the relationship between Katy and Daemon. FINALLY
they are together – which leads to many yummy kissing sessions. HOT yummy
kissing sessions. And their love is so sweet and real and emotional and
hot. They are my new favourite book couple in the history of ever.
Opal was
shaping out to be my fave yet. I mean, we – I mean, Katy – was kissing
Daemon more, there was more of everything I love about this series. And
then... well, it ended. Horribly. As my afore-mentioned yelling revealed.
I had this feeling like halfway through that it wasn't going to end well.
That coupled with the fact that the next in the series doesn't come out
til way too long meant I slowed right down in my reading, savouring every word
and rereading my favourite passages over and over. But this going slow
did not work for long. Oh no, Jennifer's writing is far too magic and
funny and her plotlines are way too exciting and addictive and freaking awesome
for that. So I raced for the end... And, well, you know how that went
this is my favourite in the series which is now, I think, my favourite series ever.
It has more action, more romance, more suspense, more humour and more
Daemon than ever before and it has left me absolutely, deliriously,
desperately desperate for
more. Like, right now. I am going to literally go crazy waiting for
the fourth – Origin. *sniffles and goes to have a mental breakdown*
seriously guys: if you haven't read the Lux series, you just have to.
Right now. It is the most amazing series you'll ever read – there
is literally nothing I can complain about, cliffhanger aside. It's just
so much fun, but is also more than just fun at the same time. It's just
more than I ever thought it would be when I bought Obsidian and more than I ever could have hoped for. And I am
now so in love I don't think I'll ever get over it, not that I want to.
yes. Please. Read it. Love it. Ramble about it.
Scream at Opal's cliffhanger.
Just enjoy the ride – love every moment. Series like this don't
come along often and you should all be a part of this one. And even with all
this rambling, I still haven't done it justice.
P.S. Oh, and Obsidian, the first in this series, has been optioned for a film!! A freaking FILM, people!! FINALLY!!! I am sooooo excited!!
Hey, maybe I should do a new gif post about it... Ok, I'm off to look for excited Supernatural gifs now... ;)
Star Rating:
5 Out of 5
5 Out of 5
It loses a star for the cliffhanger, and yet it's still on
five whole stars - well, really it's about 5 billion. That shows the
amazingness, people.
Read this
book if you liked:
Covenant by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Vampire Academy and Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Grisha by Leigh Bardugo
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
It's Taking Part In:
Happy Reading
1 comment:
This is one of my favorite series too and that cliffhanger ending. Killed. Me. At least the next book is out for you, I had to wait and it was so painful! I have to say, your gif reaction post was hilarious. Have you read the Covenant series? Another one of my favorites...Jennifer Armentrout knows how to write amazing characters. It seems to only be in her books that I want to throw my Kindle against the wall. Great review! ~Pam
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