Ok, here is my silly gif post of what Origin, the fourth Lux book, did to me - well, what that ending did to me. Cause yeah. There was yet another evil twist at the end. Jennifer is the master of cliffhangers. Seriously...
This series is still one of my favourites and I've read all the books at least four times each. But Origin... Well. Let me try and get my feels down...
Ok, so I was nearing the end of Origin. And at first I was happy, this this:

And then.... then The Twist came. Then I finished the book. And at first I was like:

and finally I was like:

Because it's just like..

I didn't know what to do. Jennifer had done it again. Totally shocked me. Possibly scarred me.
And now I'm just like:

Because it is so freaking long until Opposition comes out - too too TOO long, ok?!

Ok? Especially when all I want to do is this:

An Armentrout cliffhanger that left me like this:


I love this series too. And yes, I was going What? at the ending as well, but as far as cliffhangers go, it was not as bad as Opal, which was just devastating or Deity (Covenant series). She is definitely the queen of cliffhangers. Fun post, love the gifs! ~Pam
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