1. Trial By Fire (Raised by Wolves #2) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
2. Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar
3. The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa
4. Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins
5. Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
I could have made this list significantly longer, but I thought listing my top 50 reads for you might get a bit tedious and boring, and, really, you probably just don't care:-)

1. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
2. The Pledge by Kimberly Derting
3. Sweet Venom by Tera Lynn Childs
4. Darker Still by Leanna Renee Hieber
5. Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
Is there anyone who isn't looking forward to MARA DYER or LOLA? I'm not sure there is. Must. Have. Immediately.

1. Fallen/Torment by Lauren Kate - Just sign me up for this modeling job. I can stand there in a stunning dress with the best of them (though you might have to get me a slightly bigger size unless you want parts of me bulging out in unfortunate places – not pretty friends).
2. Firelight/Vanish by Sophie Jordan - I love the slit in her eye that makes her look reptilian and the subtle scale effect on her face. I am curious though as to why she has red hair on this cover but white blond hair on the cover of Vanish. Interesting.
3. Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce - I'm a huge fan of illustrated covers in general, but this one I think is particularly impressive. I love how the shape of the wolf's ears is defined by the girls' hair and how everything is bold and eye catching but still really graphically simple. Yes, I'm a graphic design nerd. I can't help it.
4. Matched by Ally Condie - I'm a sucker for simplicity. Give me a stunning image and nothing else and I will pick the book up, bosom-hug it, and run home with it to stare at it longingly until my husband comes home and wonders what I'm doing.
5. Water Wars by Cameron Stracher - Never before have I wanted to repeatedly splash water in my face and then quickly look at myself in the mirror to see if I've achieved a look like this. But I do now. I just adore the effect of the water splashing off the eyelashes. Gorgeous.
1. Etienne St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss - Do I even need an explanation? *swoon*DESPITE BEING MARRIED
2. Rhode Lewin from Infinite Days - If you haven't read this book, I highly recommend it! Rhode is dark and deliciously tragic, and he loves Lenah in a way that made me cry within the first 20 pages.
3. Dimitri from the Vampire Academy series - I'm seriously considering changing my name to Rose and heading for Russia just to hear someone call me "Roza". In fact, I'm going to demand the husband call me Rose from now on. Not Jenny. Rose. ROSE!
4. Chase from the Raised By Wolves series - Chase's role is surprisingly small in terms of page time in these books, but he makes quite an impression and I can't say enough good things about him.
5. Jace from The Mortal Instruments series - Another one who needs little introduction. He's cocky and ridiculous and I'm apparently a glutton for punishment because I adore his snarky attitude. Our snarks would look good together I think. Wait. That sounded dirty:)

1. Anna and the French Kiss - This cover really bothers me. The characters' poses are asymmetrical which I think looks really awkward given the Eiffel Tower is perfectly centered as is the bench. Why do we just have St. Clair's arm? Plus, they're wearing matching outfits and it's all a bit too-cutesy for me. I would have kept ignoring it if it didn't come so highly touted by fellow bloggers.
2. Infinite Days - This one didn't receive too much hype and got somewhat lost in the shuffle of endless vampire stories. I absolutely fell in love with it (see above note about Rhode) and am so glad I was finally made aware of its amazing-ness.
3. The Long Weekend - I think a lot of people read the blurb for this one and see it's about two 11 year old boys and think it might be too young of a read for them. It's what I thought but I've never been so glad to be proven wrong. This book is amazingly powerful and emotionally intense, please add it to your lists if you haven't read it!
4. Raw Blue - This one isn't available in the US I don't think, it's an Aussie title but was sent to me by Linds at Bibliophile Brouhaha because she said I just had to read it. She was right. I don't read much contemporary young adult (yay paranormal!), but this book made me run out and buy as much contemp as I could get my hands on!
5. The Iron Fey series - I know. I've just never been all that interested in fairies. Or Faeries. Or fey/fae however you want to spell it. This has turned into one of my very favorite series though, so faery prejudice be gone!

1. Divergent by Veronica Roth
2. Anything by Melina Marchetta or Sarah Dessen
3. If I Stay/Where She Went by Gayle Forman
4. Stay by Deb Caletti
5. Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
*Ducks, runs away, and hangs head in shame* I've heard such good things about all of these books, I don't know what my problem is. I just always seem to pick up something else before trying these! I suck. *puts on blogger dunce cap*
Okay, that was a longer post than I thought it would be. Sorry everyone!
Don't be! It was a long post of awesomeness! ;) You've made my birthday (yay me!) so much better with this post! So thank you! I so agree: Jace and Dimitri I'd run away with in a heartbeat! *sigh* And, if it makes you feel any better, I've only read If I Stay from your list of:
Thanks for the brilliant post Jenny - I mean Rose! ;)
Great books! They all look so good! I have only read two out of your whole list, shame on me! They are Torment and Matched, and I agree both covers are stunning!
Love this blog! I'm away to follow...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAN!!!!!! Thanks so much for letting me take over your blog and I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Get lots of fun books:)
PS - I think I need to change my blogger profile so it says "Rose";)
So where/how can the rest of us get our hands on Raw Blue? Now that I'm having a hard time finding it, I'm of course desperate to read it!
Jenny you are one fascinating cookie. I love knowing your favs.
And can you believe I still have discovered Rhode for myself even though we have talked extensively about him! *be's full of fail*
Jenny, my new goal in life is to get you to read WHERE SHE WENT! Please, for the love of a cheeseburger, read it! I'll throw in an all exclusive vacation to Paris with Etienne.
Actually, the reason I haven't read Anna and the FK is because of the craptastic cover. Despite all the raving reviews, I just can't do it. :(
It's unbelievable to me that I've only read two of your top 5 for the year. Thanks for sharing, Jenny. This post makes me so happy... well expect for the part were you admit to not having read WHERE SHE WENT yet. That is sadness.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAN!!! Great post Jenny! Don't worry, I haven't read any books off the last list either :) In fact I haven't read any of the books on this list. Yeah, I'm ashamed.
I actually never saw the wolf on the cover of SR before you pointed it out! Thanks! Also, I LOVE the cover for The Water Wars.
And yeah, the cover for Anna and the FK is a bit weird :/
Racheyyy - It's okay, when I saw everyone else's lists who participate in the Inkcrush event, I had read barely any of them. It was fun to add to my TBR though:)
Jody - I'm not sure. I just went to look for Raw Blue on Book Depository and it said currently unavailable. I hope they put it back up soon:)
Missie - Thank you, I do try so hard to be entertaining;) I know, I know, I need to read Where She Went! I should probably start with If I Stay though:) I suck so bad. I hope you get to Anna at some point, it's really good. Just take the cover off;)
Cliona - Oh good, I'm not alone then:) *does happy dance and removes dunce cap*
I just love favourites lists! It's always neat to see a favourite blogger's compiled list of must reads. I wouldn't be bored if you listed your top 50 reads, I'll tell you that!
Yup, I'm looking forward to reading all the same upcoming books this year. I actually have Mara Dyer waiting for me on my shelf already. Just have to find the time to get to it!
Agreed about your cover choices. I love simple ones, illustrated ones, clever ones, interesting water effect ones.
"Our snarks would look good together" LOL X)
Totes agree about the Anna and the French Kiss cover. I haven't read it yet (but it's on my shelf) and I just know this is going to be the kind of book in which I have to remove the cover to read in public. Too embarrassing.
Ugh, yeah I've never read anything by Marchetta or Dessen either and also feel like a failure as I've heard the most amazing things about these authors. I will get to it eventually, I swear! I promise.
Oh, and also, Happy Birthday Megan! :)
Ooh you HAVE to read 'Divergent' soon! And 'If I Stay'! And 'Jellicoe Road' (epic!!!!). I really liked 'Stay' as well. I haven't read 'Forbidden', but I don't really care too, either.
I love simple covers like 'Matched' as well. Can't wait for 'The Pledge' or 'Lola'. Hmm I think I could keep commenting about all these lists for a long time, so I'll stop now, haha. But I enjoyed reading them! =)
I will fight Jenny tooth and nail for Etienne. And I loved Rhode in Infinite Days too. So much more than Justin or whatever his name was. And Jace...ah Jace. Swoon.
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