In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a perfect way to see who's reading and review what. Awesome!
Now, it was my birthday on Friday, and all I asked for is books or Waterstones vouchers. I was lucky enough to get at least one book from every single member of my family. And then a few added money. I think it's fair to say I was over the moon. :D So when I woke up on Saturday to a second surprise, I went a little hyper and danced round the house. *sigh* So many brilliant books for Meg!
For Review:

Stealing Phoenix by Joss Stirling (Goodreads | Amazon)
Catch a Thief and Lose Your Heart
This is my first official ARC! It even has "proof copy" on it! I loved Finding Sky, and I am really looking forward to seeing Yves story! Thank you Oxford University Press! :D
Birthday Bundle!

I haven't exactly read the first two. But it's nice to have them all in advance. Thank you to my aunt!
I love Meg Rosoff. And this looks hilarious. A baby moose born to human parents? How often do you come across that? Thanks to my parents this time!
Asylum by Rachel Anderson (Goodreads | Amazon)
Asylum by Rachel Anderson (Goodreads | Amazon)
A Poignant Tale of Loss And Friendship, With Some Hard Truths
This looks amazing: I'm so glad I got given this one!
What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen (Goodreads | Amazon)
What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen (Goodreads | Amazon)
I've wanted this for aaages! Thank you, again, to before mentioned aunt!
The Double Life of Cassiel Roadnight by Jenny Valentine (Goodreads | Amazon)
The Double Life of Cassiel Roadnight by Jenny Valentine (Goodreads | Amazon)
An Explosive New Mystery
I love Jenny Valentine! So I am very pleased with this one!
This was from my other aunt, who got me some other bits to go with it. But it looks incredible and has been described as a cross between Twilight and DaVinci Code! How amazing?!
Bought With Waterstone Vouchers:
I Remember My Future, But My Past Is A Blank
Yes! This is 'from' my third and final aunt. Which means she gave me money and I bought this. :D
Just One Kiss Will Take Your Breath Away...
I saw this on one of our Guest Posts, and it looked so good I just had to get it! Thanks to my Nanny! :)
Isn't this cover gorgeous? I love it! And this looks like such a god book! I can't wait to read it! Nanny's to thank again!
I'm lovin' the look of this one! Everyone says it's amazing. Thanks to an aunt!
Destiny Brought Them Together.
The Gods Will Keep Them Apart.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! Ok, if you didn't guess, I'm slightly excited by this book. I have wanted it for ages! So, thanks to my parents!
A Hidden Truth.
Mortal Enemies.
Doomed Love.
And I finally have this one! I've wanted it for so long, and now: YES! ;) Thanks to my grandma!
Mystery, Fantasy, Forensic Science... and Heart-Stopping Action
Yes! This is at the top of my TBR pile now! I am so desperate to read it! Doesn't it just sound like the best thing ever?! Thanks to my parents!
Ok, I did warn you this was going to be a long one! But if you have a bunch of cousins, aunts, brothers, parents, grand-and great grand-parents and all you ask for is books, what do you expect?! Thanks to all family members and Oxford University Press for these wonderful books! All of you have made my birthday!
What did you guys get in your mailbox this week?
Wow brilliant mailbox! Happy Birthday Megan :)
I've read Viral and loved it! The review on my blog will prove that.
I am so jealous that you have Dead Beautiful.
Great books, lucky you! :D
Dead Beautiful,Firelight, and Unearthly are soo good, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did! (:
Haley from Ya-Aholic
wow, You had an awesome birthday by the looks of things! Some really good books here! I have JUST finished Starcrossed this morning and I loved it! I hope you do too!
Happy Birthday for friday - glad to see you had a fun day:)
Happy dance for Stealing Phoenix and I really fancy Hereafter.
Hope you enjoy:)
YAY BIRTHDAY GOODIES!!!! You have so many good ones on that list, I adored Starcrossed and Unearthly and Firelight:) I've heard Virals is really good too. Enjoy all those Megan!
I can't wait to read Starcrossed. I've heard nothing but great things about it.
What a great way to celebrate your birthday!
grats on your first offical ARC! it is an exciting event.
i read about 25% of Starcrossed and wanted to throw my kindle against a wall (im in the minority here..) lol
hope you enjoy all your books!
Cliona: Thank you! I was soo lucky this year! :D
Racheyyy!: I'll go have a peek at the review then. Thanks!
Haley: Thanks!
Raimy-rawr: Yes I did! I had the best birthday book-wise! Thanks! (:
Sammee: Thanks! *happy dance* Thanks!
Jenny: YAY!!! Well, if you liked them I know I will! Thanks!
Shoshanah: Same: it's very near the top of my list. :D
Aylee: Isn't it? Mad relatives and books! Loved it! :D
LunaMoth: I know! There's a minor possibility that I danced round the house a TEENY bit! Aww, no! I'll have to see how I get on with it. Thanks!
Thanks to you all for your comments! :D
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