With Book Chick City

I run the book review site www.BookChickCity.com. I’ve been blogging
about books since July 2009 and still loving it. I now have four reviewers,
including Laura (below) who I’ve
become really good friends with – we’ve met a few times now and get on like
with been friends for years. Outside of
blogging I’m
studying BSc Zoology – I
love animals and nature.
Hi *waves* I joined www.bookchickcity.com in 2010, when
Carolyn put out a tweet asking for a reviewer. We've since become great friends
and fellow book addicts! I love it too as I love sharing my thoughts with
others. Other than blogging I became a Mum in October and work in fashion

I grew up with my nose in a book. I was always reading and being called a
bookworm. I loved Alice and Wonderland, Worst Witch, Nancy Drew and Agatha
Christie, but around 12 I moved on to the classics and devoured all books by
the Bronte sisters and Jane Austen. Then my tastes changed again when I read
Dracula by Bram Stoker at the age of 14. I’m now very much into the darker side and read a lot of horror,
urban fantasy and more recently paranormal romance.
Always, always loved books. I remember friends would come back from their
school summer holidays and they would have reluctantly read a book and I'd have
read about twenty. My favs were Worst Witch, Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl, moving
onto Sweet Valley High, Point Horror and Judy Blume. My first horror was either
a Stephen King or a James Herbert book.
I know you spend a lot of time reading, but what else do you do?
I enjoy going to the gym, cycling and generally being outdoors. My hubby and I
love to hike in the Lake District or holiday by the Cornwall coast. I’m also at university
studying BSc Zoology, which is great.
I'm a classically trained singer and have fortnightly singing lessons, I own a
giant black dog called Boris and we like to go for family walks with him. I
have a bit of a handbag addiction, I can't help it they just keep breeding....!
And I work in fashion retail, specialising in Internet marketing.
you have a favourite genre or theme?
My favourite genres as mentioned above are urban fantasy and paranormal romance
with a lot of zombie fiction thrown in. I love zombies whether books or movies.
Is that a theme? ;) I also love a little historical romance too.
Like Carolyn my favourite genres are urban fantasy and paranormal romance,
although I do like a bit of historical and a good old cowboy romance every now
and then too ;) . I've not tried a zombie novel yet, although if Carolyn gets
her way it won't be long!
Favourite book of all time is Dracula by Bram Stoker, but I think it’s because it was my
first step into darker literature. Not far behind is Wuthering Heights – I loved that book. Since
then I’ve
read some amazing books such as I Am Legend by Richard Matheson, Allison Hewitt
is Trapped by Madeleine Roux, Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton,
Kiss by Nalini Singh, the list could go on and on.
This question is always so hard! I think it may have to be Wuthering Heights by
Emily Bronte, I also adore The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I
agree with Carolyn on Guilty Pleasures awesome book and I have a soft spot for
Bitten by Kelley Armstrong.
there a book that you’ve
read over and over again – one
you always go back to after you’ve
had a tough day?
Not really. Well, not in recent years anyway. I used to re-read Jane Eyre,
Wuthering Heights and I’ve
read Dracula 3-4 times. But now I read a book and that’s it, I move onto the
next. However, if it’s a
favourite, then I will keep it forever.
Before I reviewed, I used to be a terrible re-reader. I like to read old
favourites, it's like snuggling under a comfy duvet. If I'm feeling down even
now, I want to pick up a faithful favourite that will give me a cosy happy
ending. I actually tend to re-read romances for that reason. I have read nearly
all of Catherine Anderson's stories more than once and Sherrilyn Kenyon's early
Dark-Hunter books several times.
you have any ‘pet
peeves’ when
it comes to writing? A type of character
that really winds you up? A personality?
I have SO many pet peeves. Really don’t like repetitive words when I’m reading. I’ve
read a page where one word just kept popping up all the time and it drove me
nuts. I don’t
like wimpy or whiney heroines, I like mine strong, but they can be vulnerable
but that’s
different to weak and pathetic. I hate the use of the “C” word (I think we all
know to which word I refer) it’s
just not needed. A sex scene can be sexy and well written without it. It just
ruins the whole book for me – can’t get passed it. I have
several more but I better let Laura get a word in, otherwise we could be here
for sometime ;)
Oh yes repetitive words! I once started counting how many times an author used
a phrase, it drove me bonkers! And the 'C' word should be henceforth banned
from all literature! I hate dream sequencers where in a romance their
relationship is consummated in a dream, drives me mad. Heroes that are over the
top alpha, they can be a little alpha, just not so much you want to hit them
over the head with a baseball bat ;) . Also too much sex that it detracts from
the story, and when I just cannot connect with a character.
Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K Hamilton. In fact I would love the series to be
taken up like the Sookie books with True Blood. Anita Blake is such a fantastic
character that I think she would translate to the movie or TV screen really
well. Only of course if they get the casting right.
Carolyn and I are in complete agreement with this I think Anita Blake would
make a superb TV series, I can almost see it in my mind. Not sure who I would
cast as Anita... But we want someone better than Anna Paquin. Sorry Anna! X
honest here – what
are the worst and best parts of being a book blogger? The highs and lows?
The best side - I love reading books and then talking about them, and a blog
lets me do that whenever I like. I love that people come to the blog to read
what I have to say on a particular book and leave comments, it’s really fun. And then
there’s the
books of course, which I’m
sent for review from authors and publishers. Not the reason I do it but it’s an awesome perk!
worst side of blogging for me has to be the DRAMA. I just don’t go in for drama, so
you won’t
find any at Book Chick City. We’re
all about the books.
Books, books glorious books! I never knew there were so many people as crazy
about reading as I am. Even now, every time someone comments on one of my
reviews or posts it just makes my day. I love sharing and talking about
something that I'm passionate about.
I totally agree with Carolyn on the drama. I also hate it when people book
bash. We all read books that we don't like or don't appeal to us. We're all
different after all. But I always try to remember that this is someone else's
livelihood even when I write a negative review. It's important that I'm
constructive and not mean.
of the other things that I sometimes find tough is that reviewing means I need
to be quite structured with my reading. It's rare that I can finish a book and
peruse my bookshelf to see what I fancy picking up next, as I usually have a
book I've committed to reading and reviewing next. It's a small price to pay
for all the upsides, don't get me wrong but it does require discipline.
do you think book blogs and social media sites have changed publishing and book
I think book blogs have changed the way publishers market and promote their
books. Since I began blogging in 2009, it’s exploded. There were a lot of book blogs
when I started but now the Internet is chock full of them. People have really
taken to it and I think publishers see this and since word of mouth is a pretty
strong medium they are using it to great affect. We at BCC are very much into
our social media, we ‘re
on twitter, facebook and goodreads, which are the main places you will catch
us. Therefore if we love a book or hate a book it gets splattered all over the
place, and what better advertising is that for a book? The other thing, which I
love is the proximity to authors. Most are just so friendly and it’s a real pleasure to
get to know them, albeit it minutely via twitter or email. This is a big plus
to all the social media sites we use.
I really do. Never before has a normal person's view, been so important. Gone
are the days when you check your local paper for a critic's opinion. I'm more
interested in what my fellow book bloggers think of a book, than some stuffy
old critic and publishers have realised this. Social media has made author's,
publicists and even characters more accessible. I love chatting with authors on
twitter, I can get quite fan girl excited about it!
of bloggers say they want to be an author themselves - do you like writing
I have written stories every since I was six years old and I do still dabble. I
have an unfinished urban fantasy in the drawer as we speak… maybe I’ll finish it one
This is actually quite a timely question. I've been trying to write an urban
fantasy novel for a few years now, it's at 80, 000 words and I'm kind of
struggling to pull it all together. But I'm going on a creative writing course
this Saturday run by author Julie Cohen, which I'm really quite excited about!
Maybe it will give me the help I'm looking for!
onto the fun and silly questions! Let’s say you can go and
live in any book – any
book at all. Which book would you choose
and why?
Umm, not sure, there are so many. I’d love to get to know and become bff with
Anita Blake, that would be very cool. Also the Sookie Stackhouse books would be
a great – I’d love to get to
know Sookie, and also get a little closer to Eric * sigh * need I say more?
Ooh good question! I think I'd like to live in a happy romance, with a lovely
hunk with a few super powers to cuddle me and give me foot massages! I think
I'd like to switch places with Grace in Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon
*blushes* .
you could be any supernatural creature or have any super power, what would you
love to have super speed and strength and be able to use martial arts to great
effect, then I could kick anyone’s butt.
All of the above, I'd like to be like Buffy! But maybe some cool witchy powers
too, so maybe Buffy and Willow combined that would be super cool ;-D
you could have a perfect dinner party with any five authors or characters (from
pages or on screen), who would you pick?
going to go with 1. Anita Blake as she’s the first urban fantasy heroine I read
and I think she’s
awesome. I’d
ask her to teach me a few moves and also ask her a few questions about her
dubious love life…
2. Chess from the Downside Ghosts series by Stacia Kane - she’s a great character,
albeit a troubled one, and I’d
love to get to know her better. 3. Sookie – she seems so sweet, I’d be intrigued to
know if she really was that way in real life. 4. Elena from the Guild Hunter
series by Nalini Singh –
an awesome character and I’d
love to have a girly night with a few glasses of wine and hear all Raphael’s dirty little
secrets. 5. Dragos from Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison – the only guy at the
party, just so I could stare at him all night ;)
Another excellent question... Hmm... 1. Eric Northman, do I really need to say
more? ;) 2. Acheron from Kenyon's Darkhunter books, he's fascinating and
thousands of years old and I would love to pick his brains! 3. Cat and Bones
from Jeaniene Frost's Dark Huntress books, I'd like to see what they're like in
real life, are they as cool as the pages say? 4. I'm a big fan of the show Sons
of Anarchy, so Jax the lead character from there, to see if I could lure him
into a life on the straight and narrow! 5. And finally perhaps a touch cliche,
but I don't think I've ever seen her interviewed, I would be really interested
to meet author Stephanie Meyer, what is the woman behind the books like?
What’s next for Book
Chick City?
Hopefully a few more years! As long as
people continue to come to the site then we’ll keep blogging. I really enjoy it and
have lots of ideas up my sleeve. I like to constantly evolve the site and keep
it fresh, which we’ve
just done recently with a gorgeous new design as well as increased content. We’ve refocused the
blog, which we hope our readers enjoy.
Fire Round...
or writing?
or coffee?
or werewolf?
Archangel ?
or reality?
Edward Cullen or Jace Wayland?
Jace? Neither?
I don't know who Jace Wayland is either. Can I have Eric Northman instead?
Thank you so much for taking part girls! Oh, and Jace Wayland is from The Mortal Instruments - it's a very good series and he's yummy! :D
Everyone, if you liked this post, make sure you follow all the FoG
events on Twitter at #FortnightOfGuests
Wow... you got some big blogs this time around for the fortnight! Congrats!!
Thanks so much inviting us, it was fun! :D
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