Series: The Hunger Games Trilogy, Book Three
Publisher: Scholastic
Format: Paperback
Published: 25th August 2010
Number of Pages: 448
Book: Bought
Genre: Dystopia, Science-Fiction, Action, Fantasy, YA
Recommended Age: Young Adult, 12+
Contains Violence, Death, Suspense
WARNING: Contains Spoilers From Previous Books
“If We Burn
You Burn With Us”
Katniss Everdeen’s Final Battle Has Begun
Once again I had to pick the next book up as soon as I finished the one before. And I have never wanted to peek at the end more than I did for this book. So badly did I want to know that I was this close from breaking one of my most important rules: NEVER Peek. In fact, the only way to keep the part that screamed “PEEK!” under control was to read, read, read, which, of course, was such a hardship.
And after I finished I can honestly say I am so glad I didn’t look ahead. It would have ruined everything. Absolutely everything.
Ok, babbling over now, I will go on with what I actually thought of the book, rather than what I thought before. All I can say: wow. I didn’t know what Suzanne Collins would do in the last book, because of course she couldn’t have another Hunger Games. What she did was create such an emotionally-charged, powerful story that it left me shocked, and uncertain of what to do after I’d finished. It was amazing: I can’t get it out of my head.
To sum Mockingjay up: Katniss has survived yet another Hunger Games and has made the Capitol look like fools once again. Now she has to take up her role as the face of the revolution: she has to become the Mockingjay. However, Peeta’s in the clutches of President Snow, who’s doing God-only-knows what to her fellow victor. And in this war, you can never be sure who to trust, but you have no choice but to finish it. Us or them. Them or us. After all, “If We Burn, You Burn With Us”...
The beginning was a little slow, just like it was in Catching Fire, but once the action started... well, the speed of the plot was so fast it was literally break-neck. And it had me completely hooked, addicted, unable to put it down. I like to pride myself in guessing twists, but I honestly couldn’t predict any of the ones in this book. I was just dragged in, tossed around and pulled along. I loved it: best rollercoaster ever.
Katniss was different: we got to see her flaws – and let me just say she has a fair few. But instead of making me hate her or like her any less, it just made me love her even more. She’s the strongest person I know (well, read about), yet even she just wants to run and hide at some points in the book, which was almost reassuring to see. After all, it’s these little things that make characters feel real. And Katniss was so real to me that it felt like she was my best friend, or like I was actually her. She’s been damaged by the horrors she had to face in the Hunger Games, haunted by the people she either killed or died because of her act with the berries. Who wouldn’t be? She was only a sixteen-year-old girl when she was first sent into the Games. Sure, she's mature for her age, but she’s still legally a child. I often forget that, but she is. Just a girl who has been used, controlled and damaged over and over...
But she isn’t the only one who’s damaged and different, because after everything that has happened to them, Haymitch, Peeta and Gale have all been affected as well. So has the majority of the supporting cast, actually, all because of the Capitol...
Is it wrong that I want to kill imaginary people? Or person: namely, Snow?
Well, I won’t go into any more detail about the plot, but I have to put down a few of the emotions...
Feelings are so hard to describe: I’ve taken a day trying to come up with something to say, how to explain everything. I laughed, cried, gasped with fear, honestly almost screamed or shouted out loud, and more; basically another emotional rollercoaster from a phenomenal author. With the world it’s set it, of course I didn’t expect this to be a cheerful read. But I didn’t expect quite so much emotion, quite so much pain. And all the while I was thinking: Poor Katniss. She doesn’t deserve all of this. That’s how involved it had me: feeling sorry for her, hurting for her. How many books can you honestly say do that? (I’d really like to know, if you have any suggestions!)
Everything was a shock, nothing was taken for granted, and Collins constantly had me guessing. The ending left me shocked, mourning, almost lost.
So, yet another absolutely extraordinary series to grieve the loss of.

The Hunger Games left me Hungry for more, and even though I probably won’t get to meet Katniss again, I can’t wait to see what the genius Ms Suzanne Collins will come up with next.
I loved this series – one of my favourites ever, actually – and I really got to know and love all the characters. I’m a little numb at the minute, now that it’s over, and I can’t find the words that do it justice...
And I know lots of people didn't like this one... but I loved it. Absolutely loved it.
Real or not real?
Most certainly real.
Just one thing left to say:
Still am, always was, and always will be...

Which are you?

Star Rating:
5 Out of 5
5 Out of 5
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Sorry it's so long, guys! I have a bad habit of babbling!
This is a great review. :) I can't wait to read this book! I still need to read Catching Fire. ^___^
*~` `~*
awesome babbling reviews are always the best! although i didnt really LOVE mockingjay, I did think it was a good way to end the series. "Real or not real?" That was my favorite line :)
Amazing review! And you haven't seen the end of Katniss, because The Hunger Games is being made into a movie! Although I didn't like the book, I am looking forward to seeing the movie!
Oh, YAY! So glad you loved this one as much as I did!! Totally agree with everything you said. I also loved the "Real or not real?" line and I was and will always be Team Peeta as well :)
Rockie: Read them soon, they're amazing!
The Lovely Getaway: That's a relief: I babble a lot! Mine too!
Cliona: Ah, forgot about that! Thanks for reminding me! I don't feel quite so sad anymore! :)
Aylee: Really? I'm glad I put everything down right! It's my favourite in the books, and so will I! Gotta love the boy with the bread! ;)
Thanks for your comments!
Great review! I feel like the first time I read Mockingjay I read it to quickly as I just wanted to know the ending. Mockingly had always been by least favourite until a reread it last year and enjoyed it SOOO much. It was so much more emotional than last time and I found myself sobbing at the end...oops!
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