Thursday, 7 June 2012

Fortnight of Guests 2012: Kindle and Me

Q&A With Anjana @ Kindle and Me

kindle & meHi Anjana!  It's great to have you here today!  Could you maybe tell us a little about yourself and your amazing blog?
Hey Megan, thanks so much for having me on your blog!
God, I don’t know where to begin.  My blog is called Kindle and Me, which I started in November 2011.  I feature and review books of most genres, adult and YA, as long as they’re fiction.

Why did you decide to start blogging?
There’s no real reason; I started blogging on an impulse and I honestly didn’t think I’d stick to it. I’ve loved books forever and last year, I got a kindle as a present and since then, I’ve been reading obsessively (even more than usual).
When I started my blog, I was just using it as a space to ramble about the books that I was reading...I didn’t think anyone would ever read it.
But then, I got my first e-mail from an author and it was the most amazing feeling ever. I decided then that I’d stick to it.

Have you always been a huge reader?  Growin’ up with your nose in a book?
Haha, pretty much. Doesn’t that describe most book bloggers? When I was a kid, it was fairy tales and Greek mythologies. Around the age of 11, I moved on to horror (Christopher Pike), mystery (Agatha Christie rocks!) and fantasy and finally, contemporary and paranormal romance in my teens.  Like I said, there’re very few genres that I don’t read.

You read loads of book genres, but which one is your favourite to read?
It depends on my mood really. I love too many genres and I love them all the same.

Loads of bloggers also love writing stories of their own.  Are you just as big a writer as you are a reader?
Do college papers count? I don’t know, I’ve never given it a shot. I studied business and I was good at my assignments, papers etc. but writing a story doesn’t just require imagination but also a hell lot of discipline. I’m not sure if I have it in me to keep writing until I finish a story without giving up or getting lazy.  

What’s the best book you’ve read so far this year?
Aah! I hate when people ask me that because I don’t know what to say. I like a lot of books but the only books I remember after I’m done reading are the ones that make me emotional (good or bad). 
All time favourite so far this year would be Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard.  It wasn’t perfect but honestly, the book was an experience. I loved it. I also loved First Comes Love by Katie Kacvinsky.

And what’s the book you’re most looking forward to?
The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead. J  

What’s your favourite quote from any book/author ever?
I’m such a quote person. I have too many favourites but I’m limiting myself to 3!

“The great are strongest when they stand alone,
A God-given might of being is their force.”  - Sri Aurobindo, Savitri.
“But few are those who tread the sunlit path;
Only the pure in soul can walk in light.” – Sri
Aurobindo, Savitri.

"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars…" – Jack Kerouack, On The Road.

The Lord of the Rings (#1-3)If you could go into any fantasy world ever, where would you go?
I’m trying really hard not to say Harry Potter. I guess it’d have to be Middle Earth (The Lord of the Rings). I’m sure I’d do a better job getting rid of the ring and being a friend to Sam than Frodo.

If you’re anything like me, you’ll have about a squillion book boyfriends.  But if you had to choose just one, who would you choose?
LOL! Yeah you got that right. But to pick one, it’d be Dimitri or Adrian. No wait, I’ll go with Adrian. He’s got that bad boy thing going for him that I like.

I’ll end on this: If you could make everyone in the whole world read one book, even if it’s the only book they’d ever read, what book would it be?
Again, other than Harry Potter, I’d say The Lord of The Rings trilogy. The best epic fantasy ever.

Once again, thanks so much for having me on your blog, I loved answering your questions!

Thank you so much for coming! :D

Thank you so much for the interview, Anjana!  It was great having you!  
And after The Golden Lily I am definitely an Adrian girl too!  ;)
Everyone, if you liked this post, make sure you follow all the FoG events on Twitter at #FortnightOfGuests


Cliona said...

Fab answers! I love Dimitri!!! I'm tean Dimitri :)

Catherine@thebookparade said...

I really need to read The Lord of The Rings - it's such a classic, and I don't even have any idea what the story's actually about!
Great Q&A! :)

Anjana said...

@Catherine Haha, thanks :) You should watch the movie too, it's epic! And lol I was Team Dimitri but I feel so bad for Adrian.

@Cliona : lol I'm stuck between both. I'm leaning towards Adrian now because he's still available :P