Alternate Title: The Demon Trapper's Daughter (USA)
Series: The Demon Trappers, Book One
Publisher: Macmillan
Format: Paperback
Published: 7th January 2011
Number of Pages: 448
Book: Bought
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Dystopia, Futuristic, Magic,
Action-Adventure, Thriller-Suspense, Mystery, YA
Age: 13+
Contains: Swearing, Violence, Death, Drug and Alcohol References
Blog: Jana Oliver
Riley Blackthorne. Kicking hell’s ass one demon at a time…
has always wanted to be a Demon Trapper like her father, and she’s already
following in his footsteps as one of the best.
But it’s tough being the only girl in an all-guy world, especially when
three of those guys start making her life more complicated:
the angelic apprentice who has heaven on his side; Beck, the tough trapper who
thinks he’s God’s gift, and Ori, the strikingly sexy stranger who keeps turning
up to save her life.
thing’s for sure – if she doesn’t keep her wits about her there’ll be hell to
For Older Readers
Riley Blackthorne is the only child of
legendary Demon Trapper Paul Blackthorne and is now following in his footsteps.
She's good too - not that the patriarchal idiots in charge of the
Trapper's Guild appreciate that. But with more and more demons coming
into our world, they’re willing to let this girl into their all-man world.
Even after she totally screws up. On
a routine assignment, a Grade Five Geo-Fiend attacks. In case you don't
know, this is bad. For one, Geo-Fiends are the highest level of demons
under the Archdemons. Two: demons don't work together. Ever. A
Geo-Fiend shouldn't be helping a stupid little Grade One Biblio-Fiend out; it
doesn't make sense. But third, and even more worrying: why is the demon
interested in Riley? What does it want from her?
Trying to deal with necros, demons, the
Guild, three hot guys and a sudden, devastating loss leaves Riley spiralling
out of control.
Who can she trust? Who can she love?
And can she prove her worth - prove that
she should be a Trapper? While keeping her life - and her soul...?
While fighting the hardest damn battle the Trappers have ever faced?
When their most trusty weapon might be even less use than a fluffy little
And, more importantly, will her
self-appointed keeper, the hot and infuriating Beck, let her do anything by
herself? Like, ever..?
I’m going to start off by saying that I adored the setting of Forsaken. You have so many hunter
books now, thanks to Buffy and Supernatural. And yes: this was a
book about a demon trapper. But it was set in the future – in a horrible
world where much of society just seems to be falling apart thanks to a really
serious economic crash that has left only the super-rich able to afford things
like college or gas cars. And then, of course, there's the whole
demony-side... Yeah, it was awesome.
I loved it! It was so freaking cool! And so
different! Basically, Forsaken
was a book that was sure to win my heart before I even read the first word.
And man it succeeded. It
won my heart so damn quick and hard that I needed the next book. Like,
right now. I'm hooked!
Is it obvious that I loved Forsaken? No? Whoa.
Maybe I should expand...
Let's start with the characters. I
loved 'em all. I especially loved how I could hear all the accents – I
especially loved Beck's Southern drawl! But, accents aside, my favourite
character had to be Riley. She was
just so brilliant – her witty quips and snarky comments were just hilarious and
really reminded me of one Buffy Summers, AKA my fave kickass heroine ever! Her habit of talking to
herself was brilliant too – and so
funny! And she was strong as nails, tough as steel, but vulnerable too.
She was a totally kickass demon trapper, but she still had relationships
problems, still got picked on. She just felt real. One-hundred-percent real real real.
And my joint favourite was without a doubt Denver
Beck. I adored Beck. He
was hot. He was also such a sweetheart: the kindest, most
caring guy ever. He too was the perfect blend of steel and heart – he was
one seriously epic fighter and Trapper, who took alcohol to meetings, wound
people up (especially Riley) and acted pretty damn goofy. But he was also
so very vulnerable and broken. I just loved all the hidden sides of Beck
and he is definitely a huuuggee part of my needing
to read on! Team Backwoods Boy, people!
The other guys in Riley's life were all
very varying. First off, Simon – such a sweetheart; so kind and good.
But he's a bit... I don’t know, too good? Too... safe? Ok, I admit. I'm
totally biased. I like the snarky, bad-boy types. So, basically,
I'm a Beck girl through and through. Sorry, Simon. It's not your
fault. With Beck, you just didn't stand a chance with this girl.
As for Ori... I kinda thought he'd have a
bigger role, judging by the blurb. But he only came in like over half way
through. However, he did have
that whole mysterious-hot-type thing down. He intrigued me. I
have two theories about him... I can't wait to see which is right...
One of the guys I didn't like?
Harper. I wanted to punch him. Hard. And yet... I don't
know. He had his redeeming factors. Kinda. Occasionally...
I don't like him by any
stretch of the imagination, but I wouldn't shove him at a Five just for the
hell of it. High praise. Kinda...
Enough of the characters and onto the
world. It was... well, terrifying. It was just so gritty – even for urban fantasy. I
think it was the whole disintegrating society thing. That added a whole
other layer of grit. And also just all the paranormal stuff too.
The demons... Well, I'd quite like a little Magpie. They were cute.
But Geo-Fiends? Grade Threes? Um, no thanks. Scary.
And Biblio-Fiends? HELL NO! Peeing on my books and destroying
them? I think I'd rather have a Grade Five in my house! Of course,
that's just the book addict talkin', not the, like, survival instinct part of
me... Speaking of: The necromancers terrified
me... But what was with the no-girls-in-trapper-club thing? I
mean, hellooo, sexist much,
Trapper dudes? And given how utterly kickass Riley is, you could do with
a few more gals like her!

And yes. That was all sarcasm.
But moving on... to the writing. I
freaking loved it. Why? Because the POV was split between Riley, who
I loved, and Beck, who I freaking loved!
It was also really interesting – seeing his motives, seeing the world
from his perspective. Also, he's older than most YA narrators – more
mature too. Ergo: much more interesting perspective! Kidding, kidding:
I love Riley. Love her to pieces. But Beck... he was older,
war-damaged, mature(ish) and... I just loved him, 'kay? But seriously:
loved the writing. And the plot: I freaking LOVED the plot! It was so awesomely... awesome. So righteous and
butt-kicking (I think they're two of Riley's favourite words). I was
totally hooked, start to finish. And that ending! Ohmigod! Evil! Gimme Forbidden. Like now.
With one kickass girl, a whole bunch of hot
guys (hottest of all Beck) and a world to end all other paranormal worlds, Forsaken was one hell of a start to a
series I just know I'm gonna love. And to all you paranormal junkies out
there? Pick this up. Right now. It's so freaking awesome and
unique and awesome. And I know
I said awesome twice, but it deserves two awesomes. So pick it up!
It's freaking amazing and I can't wait to get my greedy little hands on Forbidden.
Dammit, where's a Magpie when you need one?
Star Rating:
4½ Out of 5
4½ Out of 5
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Happy Reading
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