Thursday 5 September 2013

Month Of Guests 2013: Never Judge A Book By Its Cover

It's a huge pleasure to welcome the lovely Emma from Never Judge A Book By Its Cover here today!  Emma is a good friend of mine and my new blogging partner - check out our blog Girls Of YA!!  Now, onto Emma...
Never Judge a Book by its Cover

Hello Everyone and welcome to my guest post of The BookAddicted Girl’s Fortnight of Guests 2013. So here is my intro to my post to those who don’t know me and would to say hi! I’m Emma and I’m read and review books over at my own blog Never Judge a Book by its Cover. I’m also a graphic designer at Em’s Designs (aka The Graphicness) and I’m also a Co-Blogger with Megan at Girls of YA. If you would like to say hi, follow my Links below on Twitter, Goodreads and Facebook. I hope you all enjoy my quest post as well. 

Library Days and Why It Makes Me Love Books Even More!

When I was a little girl I held this card that would gain me entry into the most beautiful place that an avid book lover such as myself could ever imagine. It was my first proper card to go in my purse and I carried it everywhere and this place is now where I work every day; The Library. My friend and I would always go to the library with our mums to get new books, books for the Summer Reading Challenges and also the craft sessions on during the holidays. Now as a Library Assistant this is what I do the same little boys and girls who come into the library and it the most wonderful thing to see. You think that Libraries eventually will go out of fashion with the growing technology and gadgets that allow you to read like a Kindle, but no, libraries still hold this traditional, beautiful quality when you walk in but they have grown with the 21st century as well. 

Being a Library Assistant I have my duties, as well as shelving and attending queries I’m also head of the Teenage and Young Adult Section, Marketing and Promotional content and the Summer Reading Challenges. SO this summer has been a pretty busy one… The Summer Reading Scheme has been the best, from once being on the other side of counter saying “Can I join the reading scheme?” to now “Would you like to join the reading scheme?” has been a wonderful feeling and brings back memories of when I was a little girl.

Don’t get me wrong there are times I just want to hide out in the Teen section and read the whole section. Especially the times when its quiet, dark and rainy days at work that’s all I want to do. The other perks is that I can get up to 25 books a time, free reservations and I can get first dibbs on any (Teen) books and DVD. You could say my job it best first job I could ever ask for. I’ll be sad to let it go.

So what I want to say of this guest post is please use your libraries, use that card and keep your libraries open… because I know they aren’t very safe from the government and as fellow book lovers it the perfect place to be. 

Also as a way to keep Libraries alive on the blogs I’m starting a new feature called, Book of the Week where you can showcase the best book you got at that library that week. Visit my blog for me details. Or click on the image below.


Thank you so much, Emma!!  That was awesome!!  I love my library and will definitely take part in this next time I get a chance to go!! :D
I hope you all enjoyed Emma's post! And don't forget to follow Emma's Blog: Never Judge A Book By Its Cover  - and follow her on TwitterGoodreads and Facebook too!  Oh, and Girls Of YA!  :D
And keep up to date with MonthOfGuests on Twitter using #MonthOfGuests2013! And stop by tomorrow for a brilliant and absolutely hilarious post by the amazing Hawwa from It Was Lovely Reading You!!

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