It is a huge pleasure to have Cliona here, from Bookster Reviews! This is an amazing blog, one I always love to visit. I hope you all like the interview and love Cliona's blog as much as I do!
Why did you become a blogger? Was it something you’ve always wanted to do, or was it a more spontaneous decision?
Actually, I hadn’t really heard of blogging before I took it up! So yes, it was a spontaneous decision. I was actually on the Threads (by Sophia Bennett) website, and I found a link to a blog called The Mile Long Bookshelf. The blogs owner, Amber, had the same taste in books as me, and after reading TMLB for a few weeks until I decided to make my own blog! I actually had been looking for new book recommendations anyway around that time, so I was delighted to find this new book-related!
Do you have a favourite genre or theme?
I enjoy most genres. My favourites would be fantasy, like Harry Potter, Darren Shan, Percy Jackson, that kind of thing. I’ve actually begin reading The Chronicles of Narnia recently, which I’m enjoying too! I love how fantasy just let’s me escape to a whole different world, instead of boring old reality! I also like contemporary realism, and chick lit, just because they’re fun to read! Genres I wouldn’t like so much would probably be historical fiction, and sometimes paranormal. I know a lot of people really like historical books, and think it takes them to a different world, like fantasy does with me. But I find it a little…tedious. Of course, it depends on the author and the book, but in general, I’m not a big fan. And with paranormal, a lot of them can be fantastic, but I think since Twilight, there’s been too much of the same boy- meets girl-girl finds out boy is vampire/werewolf/etc.-girl and boy fall in love and so on!
Well, it depends on my mood. Harry Potter, of course, would be one! They were the first books I really loved, so they’ll always be special to me. Darren Shan’s Demonata series or Saga of Darren Shan would also be books that make me feel better. Also, if I don’t feel like reading those, for some good chick lit, Cathy Hopkins’ Mates, Dates… or Cinnamon Girl series. And a great, not very well known favourite of mine, The Wedding Planner’s Daughter: Playing Cupid by Coleen Murtagh Paratore. It’s such a sweet, lovely book!
Now, I know you spend a lot of time reading, but what else do you do?
Well, of course, I love blogging and reading other blogs. Also, I love playing sport and cycling. Oh wait, cycling is a sport, isn’t it…J I like Irish Dancing, listening to music, watching movies, playing Mario Bros on the Wii and spending time with friends and family!
How long have you been a hard-core reader? Have you just seemed to have grown up with a book in your hand? Or did a story change your mind about reading?
I’ve been a reader since I was about six. I remember I never read, and then my teacher told me it was World Book Day, and to read a book that day, and I was so inspired I went home and read six and a half books! Short ones, mind you, but that’s quite and achievement for a six year old, I think!
Let’s say you can go and live in any book – any book at all. Which book would you choose and why?
This might seem like a typical answer-but Harry Potter! It just sounds like so much fun! Being able to do magic, and having exciting adventures, and studying exciting subjects in school, like Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts, not Maths and French!
Do you have any ‘pet peeves’ when it comes to writing? A type of character that really winds you up? A personality?
Eh… Well, I don’t really like it when descriptions are very long and there isn’t much conversation. I find that boring! Or if the story doesn’t have a good structure, and just rambles on. I would just stop reading it then! If the main character is really needy and whingy, then that really turns me off the book too! I like strong, kind characters!
Lord Loss by Darren Shan. One of my all-time favourite books. It’s a fantasy horror novel about a boy who’s parents and sister are killed by demons. He sees the demons but escapes before they can catch him. No-one believes him about the demons except his uncle, who he goes to live with. He finds out why his family was killed and some other sinister secrets about his family… It would be very gory though! One of Shan other novels, The Vampire’s Assistant has been turned it a movie, but that wasn’t great. I hope, if they ever make a movie out of this, that it is better than that was!
Be honest here – what are the worst and best parts of being a book blogger? The highs and lows?
The worst…I’d say would be sometimes I feel bad that I don’t post a lot of reviews! And then I look at other blogs and they have so many posts and review on theirs and I feel bad, but I just don’t have enough time! The best bits are the nice comments and the followers! A nice comment can really make my day. And knowing that there are people I’ve never even met who like my blog and enjoy reading my reviews is brilliant! I don’t have a lot of followers compared to other blogs, but to me it’s more than I ever imagined I would have!
Thanks so much for interviewing me Megan!
You are very welcome, Cliona! It was a pleasure having you! And I very much agree about going to Hogwarts! Good luck with your future blogging, and I hope everyone enjoyed the interview!
Wonderful interview! It's great to read more about Cliona - Bookster Reviews is such a great site! So nice to hear she started blogging after reading The Mile Long Bookshelf, which is another site I love.
Thanks very much for this, Megan and Cliona!
Thanks for posting this Megan, and thanks again for interviewing me! And thank you Luisa for your lovely comment!
I also enjoyed Demonata series. Not the kind of books I usually read, but I'm glad that I read the book! I haven't got around much to find Cliona's blog, but I'll sure check it out! Awesome interview! <3
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